Wet cam not webcam!

Bob Knights

New Member
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi all

My poor old Mobydick got a good soaking. I dried it out and the blue led flashes slowly continuously - and that's it - nothing more. Tried a reset - no different.

Is this terminal or is there a kiss of life?
I have the möbius silicone weather cover fitted on my möbius all year round and it keeps mine dry 90% of the time. I have to make a cut out the for mini USB lead to go into the back so it can be permanently charged. Got it from möbius-actioncam for $15.00 I think. But living in the uk and shipping from the us isn't a cheap option but I have no choice as the joovuu waterproof case looks horrendous once fitted and not heard good reviews about it either!
Hi all

My poor old Mobydick got a good soaking. I dried it out and the blue led flashes slowly continuously - and that's it - nothing more. Tried a reset - no different.

Is this terminal or is there a kiss of life?

Just a shot in the dark, but have you tried reloading the firmware? Worst case might need a PCB replacement but that part is about 2/3 the cost of a new cam. Hope it was clean water, anything worse and it's likely to fail even if you get it going again- only a question of how long till that occurs.

One time, I accidentally left a flip type cell phone in the pocket of my jeans and put it through the washing machine....with an extra rinse cycle!! :arghh:

It seemed pretty shot by the time I found it and efforts to dry it out proved useless. So I ended up putting the phone aside on a shelf and went out and bought a new one. Then many weeks went by and I was just about to recycle the drowned phone but just for kicks I turned it on just to see what would happen. Well the thing booted right up and started working again as if nothing had ever happened to it. The only permanent damage was a very slight change for the worse in the sound of the ear speaker.

The thing just really needed to dry out thoroughly. Maybe the Mobius might do the same, so don't throw it away just yet and maybe it will eventually start working again.
The "ricing" method of saving wet electronics often works very well, as can a long-term drying :) What it can't do is reprogram a chip :(

The critical parts for a save are disconnecting power to the device (including removing the battery) ASAP and giving the disassembled device a good tap-water rinse ASAP if it wasn't a clean-water immersion. Electret microphones often will need to be replaced, but those are cheap, usually easy to access and solder, and there are only 4 commonly used ones so a junk-bin scrounge often puts you back in business for free. The results of attempted saves are always variable and you can't know until you try, so if the device has any value it's always worth trying :)

Yeah, I did remove the battery from my wet cell phone when it was drying out but that was about it. I guess the extra rinse cycle was the best thing that could have happened to it under the circumstances. :joyful: