What is performance difference between DDPAI mini & mini2? I see none

J Ward

Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Can anyone see a difference in performance between the two? They both seem to record at the same LOW bit rate.

I feel I should just purchase the original mini as it is more discreet in all black.. I see no difference between 1440 and 1080p on the mini 2. Looks the same to me.

Can anyone confirm that the mini 2 is worth the extra $12 and worth not having as a discreet body as the original mini?
The Mini 2 is worth the extra $12 for using a capacitor instead of the battery within the Mini.
Ah, yes I didn't read that. Or missed it. Good point.
Came across the DDPai cameras in my quest for the right dual channel system for me. I see the Mini2 will not work as a rear camera if used with a DDPai M6+ for PIP. Is the difference between a battery and capacitor significant?
Is the difference between a battery and capacitor significant?
Batteries are almost guaranteed to fail within 18 months or so, possibly much sooner. Then you can throw the camera away, or source a replacement battery, prise the camera case open, cut out the old battery & solder-in the replacement.

A capacitor should outlast the rest of the camera. Better prospect for hassle-free ownership. Premium brand dashcams use capacitors, e.g. BlackSys, BlackVue, Lukas, Street Guardian, Thinkware, etc.
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