XIMODE 2.1 - Video & photo modes for Xiaomi Yi [Auto/Normal/Night/Yitune/SupYiView/...]

XIMODE 2.0 has been released!

New features:
2.0.0 - Added XYC Configurator to XIMODE. Now it's possible to change scripts on the run
with only a mobile phone (Telnet needed), or with the buttons.
Fusioned the latest XYC Configurator Version with the latest XIMODE (previous one
Updated the delete THM files, now all THM files in all Media folders
(100MEDIA,101MEDIA,...135MEDIA,...) will be deleted.
Added more scene modes:
#auto[1] / mode-off[2] / night[10] / landscape[13] / portrait[14] / scene_sunset[15] / #sand_snow[16] / underwater[19] / day_lightning[27] / through_glass[34] / car_DV[38]
nice work! love the idea!

I tried normal mode yesterday as i generally would like to use my cam for mainly video. I notice that the video is very "orange/yellow" and when i toggle t ia2 -3a 1 0 0 1 to 1 it will look normal. I've not tested this outside but inside and it doesn't look quite right so i wouldnt want to use it as a general. Also when taking photo's i noticed it was quite slow, sometimes taking 2 seconds until i could take another photo. Once i stripped the coding it returned to normal. I think the amount of data in the code is slowing the photo taking process down?
nice work! love the idea!

I tried normal mode yesterday as i generally would like to use my cam for mainly video. I notice that the video is very "orange/yellow" and when i toggle t ia2 -3a 1 0 0 1 to 1 it will look normal. I've not tested this outside but inside and it doesn't look quite right so i wouldnt want to use it as a general. Also when taking photo's i noticed it was quite slow, sometimes taking 2 seconds until i could take another photo. Once i stripped the coding it returned to normal. I think the amount of data in the code is slowing the photo taking process down?

About the orange/yellow:
Yes, thats because the White balance has been fixed to one value. I'm still trying to figure out how to fix it to a K value (5500K for example, however xiaomi doesnt allow that...)
However thanks for the headsup. Just wanted to go out and do some tests :)

About the two seconds:
Yes thats because the RAW+JPG is used. If you want to remove those 2 seconds, simply remove the lines with RAW+JPEG in the scripts and it should work normal.

And no, the code will not slow down the camera ;)
About the orange/yellow:
Yes, thats because the White balance has been fixed to one value. I'm still trying to figure out how to fix it to a K value (5500K for example, however xiaomi doesnt allow that...)
However thanks for the headsup. Just wanted to go out and do some tests :)

About the two seconds:
Yes thats because the RAW+JPG is used. If you want to remove those 2 seconds, simply remove the lines with RAW+JPEG in the scripts and it should work normal.

And no, the code will not slow down the camera ;)

Hi mate,

Thanks for the reply. I guess this will be due to the RAW also.

I will try again today using but with the AWB on to prevent the orange/yellow tint.

Thanks for this btw. Appreciate it very much!
No problem :)
Would be great if you upload both videos, so i can see the difference and maybe edit the setting for future updates.
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Hi, here I am again... I don't know if somebody else is experiencing the same behavior using this script. The quality of my videos increased a bunch, but the videos are being splitted in variable sizes, like 10 seconds of video and another by 10minutes. Did you have any idea how to fix that? Thanks for the project.
Hi, here I am again... I don't know if somebody else is experiencing the same behavior using this script. The quality of my videos increased a bunch, but the videos are being splitted in variable sizes, like 10 seconds of video and another by 10minutes. Did you have any idea how to fix that? Thanks for the project.
For splitting usually occur when you have a too slow SD card, what class is it?
Hi, here I am again... I don't know if somebody else is experiencing the same behavior using this script. The quality of my videos increased a bunch, but the videos are being splitted in variable sizes, like 10 seconds of video and another by 10minutes. Did you have any idea how to fix that? Thanks for the project.

Nope, happens to me VERY few times too. However didn't find out how to fix this yet.
Maybe some issues with the 35Mbit firmware, maybe with SD card cant handle all this... ?

I really have no place to look for the issue, since i used it last week, and could record right after booting 3x4GB video without any split!
This is awesome man! Can I use it without custom firmware? Like add to mode's script bitrate script?
This issue started after combine fw + script, and I'm using Sandisk Ultra too. The only problem to have this behavior is that some part of my movies is being missed. Thanks for all your help folks
This issue started after combine fw + script, and I'm using Sandisk Ultra too. The only problem to have this behavior is that some part of my movies is being missed. Thanks for all your help folks
fw + script <-- What do you mean with this?
fw = firmware update (the one required to use the Ximode script)
It is not required, however the problem was, that the MBIT commands didnt work for me. so thats why i use the custom script.

If you want, downgrade to official firmware, and try with scripts normally. Also maybe check if your videos are ~35Mbits ?
Would appreciate that
Your script works with original fw? because I'd like the beauty movies I've take with it :D

32703 kbps 60fps
Yes i know. However the modded firmware are all set to 35Mbps.

BUUT the bitrate and resolution scripts in the beginning of all my scroupts should enable 35Mbps on the original firmware too! :p
I only used the modded firmware to make sure all my videos have automatically 35Mbps, but with the scripts and OG you should get 35Mbps too, try it out ;)
Oh my gosh.. You gotta be kidding me :P

I've noticed that the .thm files are still being generated

I'll install the stock fw and see if with your script it will keep splitting files and let you know
Oh my gosh.. You gotta be kidding me :p

I've noticed that the .thm files are still being generated

I'll install the stock fw and see if with your script it will keep splitting files and let you know

Nope ;)
And yes, the files will be generated, the only thing the script does is to delete every THM file after booting.
So, if you want to delete all THM files, reboot.
When you just made a video, and connected it to the PC, than ofc there will be the THM file of the previous video ;=

I;ve just tested today and its definitely still splitting files to 2gb. Any idea why? I've made minimal modifications to the YiTune script. My videos are also not showing the framerate when i check the video details.
Which version are you using? Which firmware are you using? Can you paste the code of you script?
Because in the beginning i used the "No split 2GB" of the previous firmware. Now in the latest updates i changed it to the current version.