XIMODE 2.1 - Video & photo modes for Xiaomi Yi [Auto/Normal/Night/Yitune/SupYiView/...]

Using 22L .13 with the custom 35mbps that you've added on your original post. Previously using on stock and my videos would be 35mbp and the fps would show at 60 but now with the custom its blank in the framerate field. I think i will go back to stock firmware for now.

Ideally i would like to use your Yitune script only if you can conjure that up for 22L .13 firmware?
Sure, Simply copy& paste the file and rename it to autoexec.ash
Thanks. So to confirm, will the no 2gb split work on stock 22L .13 firmware? on the modified it seemed to not work for me this morning. Also can you explain the coring? How does the coring determine sharpness etc

It works on both. Please copy and paste the line of your code here, so i can tell if its the latest working code.

Coring works with the additional coring.txt file. This text file should contain numbers between 1-255 and this x255 times.
Lower values = more sharpness
Higher values= less sharpness
It works on both. Please copy and paste the line of your code here, so i can tell if its the latest working code.

Coring works with the additional coring.txt file. This text file should contain numbers between 1-255 and this x255 times.
Lower values = more sharpness
Higher values= less sharpness

Hey dude, could you please teach me how to disable the 35mbit option from your script? Thanks again
First of all THANK YOU for the great work and time that you put in making these scripts. I install the firmware and the scripts without problem everything works perfect also I just like to ask you some questions.
As I mention before I like the NORMAL script and I will use that script for most of the time. I tested the normal mode today and the video is awesome when I am outdoor but indore the video have much more noise and that noise can be seen in the video so my first question is can I somehow reduce the noise in the normal script and if I can how to do that and what value do you reccomend. My second question is about timelaps in your pack you have script for nightlaps what about day timelapse do I need some script for day timelapse or should I just use the normal script for day timelapse. The convertor for the DNG file also work perfect but when I open the file in PS every picture is way to dark and have less color the jpeg is ok.

PS I will upload video with the sample of normal script
Hey dude, could you please teach me how to disable the 35mbit option from your script? Thanks again
1. Don't use the custom firmware
2. Open the folder Scripts-> booter.d
3. Open all files inside this folder (except 0_default.ash) with Notepad ++.
4. Locate the Bitrate and resolution section and delete it.
5. Save them and thats all
First of all THANK YOU for the great work and time that you put in making these scripts. I install the firmware and the scripts without problem everything works perfect also I just like to ask you some questions.
As I mention before I like the NORMAL script and I will use that script for most of the time. I tested the normal mode today and the video is awesome when I am outdoor but indore the video have much more noise and that noise can be seen in the video so my first question is can I somehow reduce the noise in the normal script and if I can how to do that and what value do you reccomend. My second question is about timelaps in your pack you have script for nightlaps what about day timelapse do I need some script for day timelapse or should I just use the normal script for day timelapse. The convertor for the DNG file also work perfect but when I open the file in PS every picture is way to dark and have less color the jpeg is ok.

PS I will upload video with the sample of normal script

What is meant with indoors? Low light areas or what? Because as said, this mode is for outdoor usage. However if you could upload a video of indoor and outdoor so i can see what the problem is.

And about day timelapse, i would rather use the Auto than normal mode, because it depends on the light situation... :/. I mean the Normal mode has an ISO of 800 and a shutter speed of 1/30. Now when you say it like this, i think i need to lower the ISO to 100. But still, if theres a lot of light, the picture will still be tooo bright.
Thats why i would recommend to use the telnet tool or the Auto tool (however auto may change color/light,... and the video doesnt look clear and same at the end), and create matching to the light situation your own script on the go. You still can switch later back to Normal if needed.

Hmm sounds strange. Normally when the raw file are opend in PS they have this look - and the converter should solve it. can you upload one raw here, will look if i can convert them
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2.0.1. - Minor script updates and bug fixes. Added "No split 4GB" for previous versions too. (1.2.13 / 1.2.12 / 1.2.6)
What is meant with indoors? Low light areas or what? Because as said, this mode is for outdoor usage. However if you could upload a video of indoor and outdoor so i can see what the problem is.

And about day timelapse, i would rather use the Auto than normal mode, because it depends on the light situation... :/. I mean the Normal mode has an ISO of 800 and a shutter speed of 1/30. Now when you say it like this, i think i need to lower the ISO to 100. But still, if theres a lot of light, the picture will still be tooo bright.
Thats why i would recommend to use the telnet tool or the Auto tool (however auto may change color/light,... and the video doesnt look clear and same at the end), and create matching to the light situation your own script on the go. You still can switch later back to Normal if needed.

Hmm sounds strange. Normally when the raw file are opend in PS they have this look - and the converter should solve it. can you upload one raw here, will look if i can convert them

Hi Tanckom,
Thank you for your sugestion I will try timelapse with the auto mod. Telnet tool works perfect also but I am not familiar with the proces of creating my script and also I don't know how to select that script fo future use. Can you show me/us how to modify the normal script where I can find the ISO and the shuter speed values and how to change them. As I mention above in my post I got the video uploaded I will post a YouTube Link and I will upload .rar file with the video, jpeg, raw and dng file so you can see why is that happening in photoshop also I will include a screenshots in this post for quick access.

Here is the video on YouTube here you can see the noise in the video a good example is from 0:07 to 0:10 :

Here is the original jpeg:

Here is the RAW file open in PS:

Here is the DNG file open in PS:

Here you can find all of the files in .rar:

Edit: I don't know why but the pictures from imgur don't shows up in the post, so you will need to click on the link to see the pictures. Thanks
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I think the best you could do, is to implement your script from XYC into the booter function.
1. Edit all your settings with XYC, and when finished, connect your cam with pc.
2. Open the file autoexec.ash with notepad, copy everything, and paste it into the file: SCRIPTS -> booter.d -> 6_custom.ash
And save it.
3. Now call this script everytime with as you did with normal, but only pressing 6 times.

Could you please only upload all those files without the video? 666MB is a little big... :p
Great job! Thanks.
The telnet configuration is a huge improvement!
And video examples are very helpful

My thoughts are
- not sure if most of users need RAW by default
- normal mode was really nice in 1.x version
- /tmp/fuse_d/xyc.sh is hard to remember, I think we should use a macro in the telnet app

PS it seems like the donation link is broken https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ak0y842tgm64ha/sspp.png?dl=0
Great job! Thanks.
The telnet configuration is a huge improvement!
And video examples are very helpful

My thoughts are
- not sure if most of users need RAW by default
- normal mode was really nice in 1.x version
- /tmp/fuse_d/xyc.sh is hard to remember, I think we should use a macro in the telnet app

PS it seems like the donation link is broken https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ak0y842tgm64ha/sspp.png?dl=0


1. Hm... Got a point there... Maybe I will post a guide how to remove the 35Mbit and RAW option.
2. Which script? Because the 2.0 version uses the same script as in 1.x
3. Yeah i know, if that is possible sure why not, however haven't found out yet how to do that.

And thanks for the headsup with donation!

Here is the new working link ;)
Thanks for the reply what values for the noise reduction do you reccomend and where to find the noise reduction setings in the telnet sorry for all these noob questions

Here is the files without the video:

About the denoise, please look here on the forum, this question has been answered many times.

About the raw, i found the issue.
I only added the converter itself, but not the DNG corrector... :P
Sorry about that, updated everything.

Please download this:
And watch this tutorial about it:
Thanks nice work
Trying to use in model 22l, using Fried firmware, did extract all the files on SDcard root but when I tried to turn on the camera nothing happens.
No red light near shutter button, when I get the scripts from booter_d and rename it to autoexec in the root it works fine...

What could it be?

I have the same problem with VSW. I am using Fried firmware and no red light near shutter button.
Is there a way to be sure the autoexec file is loaded? I will just rename the script since I cant load it pressing shutter+Power button.