interior of car

  1. TechnoBuff

    Need dash cam advice to record the interior -- Ride Sharing

    As a part-time gig, I do ride-sharing on the side. It's well known in the driver community that Uber tends to side with the passengers story most of the time for PR reasons. And with the various sexual assault cases on the news recently by ride sharing drivers, everyone is on alert. Thus, I...
  2. D

    HELP deciding on a camera set-up...

    Hello, so I have been very close to purchasing the a blackvue cam, but after reading so many issues I am hesitating. Here is what I am looking for, a forward facing cam to capture the front of my car, a rear facing cam to capture the back, and a camera inside to capture the passengers in my...
  3. O

    DR650GW-2CH IR, or other interior cam suggestions

    Hi, I am a new user here on the forum. I am looking in to setting up a forward facing dashcam along with a rear facing (from the front) cam to capture the interior. I.E. a taxi cam setup. I was wondering if anyone has done this and managed to get a reasonable light level after dark out in rural...
  4. L

    Will this record infrared inside a car at night? Night vision?

    I was thinking of installing the rear view camera above the rear view mirror and using IR bulb which are cheap and easy to buy as a light source. The easy way to check to see if the camera is able to record IR would be to point a tv remote or dvd, stereo remote etc at the camera while it is...
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