Mobius Grainy at Night?


New Member
Jul 8, 2014
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United Kingdom
Tested my Mobius cam and it is fine in the day, but night footage was very grainy and lights were causing autoexposure to go crazy.

WDR was on, should i use the low light setting instead?

Firmware is 1.20
Yep, there is an issue with FW 1.20, run a search for 1.20 in this forum, you'll see same issue.
you can revert to FW 1.13, that's what i did and these issues are solved.
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Tested my Mobius cam and it is fine in the day, but night footage was very grainy and lights were causing autoexposure to go crazy.

WDR was on, should i use the low light setting instead?

Firmware is 1.20

Some people prefer the unnaturally bright and grainy low light recordings so they can 'see' in the dark ( camera at its limits). The RC people do not have 'grainy' issues to contend with. Use firmware 0.47 and I think you'll be happy with it.
Some people prefer the unnaturally bright and grainy low light recordings so they can 'see' in the dark ( camera at its limits). The RC people do not have 'grainy' issues to contend with. Use firmware 0.47 and I think you'll be happy with it.

it's a trade off to be able to get more detail, really being able to see is more important than how picture perfect it looks
WDR Low light seems much improved in the new version. Add in a whole lot more features and functionality and you're better to go up to Step 3 than down to Step 1.
Hi M70,
found my post about the low light issue with FW 1.20 so you can have a look at the video. i installed step 3 FW today so i didn't tested it in low light yet.
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Yes, the blinking has been almost eliminated and start up is very much improved.
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this says it all:

Unusable in this setting. WDR ON.

LOW LIGHT setting any better? Anyone? Does low light setting affect daytime recordings?
Unlike the above post in 2.10 I don't seem to be having issues with unusable video, there just seem to be vertical lines throughout the entire frame. I have yet to see any flickering or flashing that others have described either, and night quality doesn't seem any worse, there are just the annoying bars in the dark spots.

it's a trade off to be able to get more detail, really being able to see is more important than how picture perfect it looks

See more noise ( obviously, it's not a feature mentioned in the "Firmware Revision History" text file)? All the firmwares after version 0.53 have poor/noise low light performances as a "dashcam" - that's a fact.

The "moved the video capture areas for the "Small" AOV video modes to center-most area of the CMOS array" change in version 0.57 may be the culprit.
All the firmwares after version 0.53 have poor/noise low light performances as a "dashcam" - that's a fact.

Not a fact. The facts are available for all to see at in which Mobius acquits itself very well against more expensive cameras, while using v1.17 with WDR enabled at Standard Data Rate.

Mobius is possibly the best Novatek NT96650 / Aptina AR0330 solution available in relation to low-light performance.
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Although you may like the old versions, there are no true facts as to which is better. Only comparisons of each, so if you please, you may use the old firmware, but saying everything after that is worse as a fact is simply not true. The newer fw brings many features that some may use, and also fixes issues that many have been dealing with. Of course there are bugs as with any release of a program or such, but in time they will surely be fixed. Also since step 3 seems to be the last major firmware upgrade planned so far, by the time its completed I imagine it will be very stable and polished.
Although you may like the old versions, there are no true facts as to which is better. Only comparisons of each, so if you please, you may use the old firmware, but saying everything after that is worse as a fact is simply not true. The newer fw brings many features that some may use, and also fixes issues that many have been dealing with. Of course there are bugs as with any release of a program or such, but in time they will surely be fixed. Also since step 3 seems to be the last major firmware upgrade planned so far, by the time its completed I imagine it will be very stable and polished.

The response in post #15 was related to the low light performances mentioned in post #14. Yes, the fact is very true.
Mobius with firmware versions 0.53 and lower would have been better than all the above !

That's your subjective opinion. In my subjective opinion, the firmware with best low light performance is v1.20 with 'Low Light' enabled. Not counting v2.10 which I haven't tried yet.

If you want to prove you're right, submit some simultaneously shot video clips of v0.53 vs 1.17 (or more recent FW) at...
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The response in post #15 was related to the low light performances mentioned in post #14. Yes, the fact is very true.
The developer has been tweaking the low-light performance ever since the low-light parameter was introduced. V1.20 (v2.10?) should have the best low-light performance. The low-light parameter has been specifically tweaked for dashcam use, i.e. license plate readability. There has not been any additional low-light tweaking done since v1.20, but there may be an issue with the new codes from Novatek which are linked into v2.10. The developer is currently checking this. If possible, links to raw material (not youtube) should be posted so the developer can analyze the clips. Two simultaneously recorded clips using v1.20 and v2.10 to prove the fact would be ideal!

As russ331 has pointed out, only a direct comparison using two cameras to simultaneously record the same video scene under varying low-light conditions will show how each FW version performs.