Mount for 6x Mobius, Innovv, Dimika side by side test in car


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2013
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Dash Cam
Street Guardian UK / EU / EEA Distributor
For the past half year I have been testing Mobius side by side with other dash cameras and also Mobius A vs Mobius B lens.
Then came out Innovv C1 and I started testing them as well side by side to each other.
Now there are 2 Innovv out.
... actually there are 3 Innovv:
1. C1 with first release lens,
2. C1 with second release lens,
3. C2

It is pain in the a _ _ always to mount all of them using supplied mounts / brackets for side by side tests.
First of all it takes a lot of time to mount them and second thing is that using original brackets it is impossible to keep all of them close to each other for more accurate test of FOV. Always some of them ending up recording more to the left or to the right ( up / down ? ).

So I decided to build special bracket / mount where I will be able to mount all mini-cameras as close to each other as possible for more accurate tests and also that I will be able to mount / dismount them instantly.

Below is my DIY project.
This time I have left space for 2 units to mount on the top and 3 can fit on the bottom part of mount. If in future I will get Dimika, I will be able to mount it on the top row of the bracket, so in that case I can test all 6 mini-cameras at same time.

Time to time I will be posting side by side test in other related sub-forums, so keep eye on them ( Mobius and Innovv sub-forums ).
I am planning to post soon my first side by side test where I have tested 2 Innovv vs Mobius B-lens vs Panorama II ( see last photo from the car ).
In some stage I do more tests ( I "go with the flow" ) depending on how much free time I will have, maybe one day can do all 6 dash-cameras test ( 2 x Mobius, 3 Innovv, 1 Dimika ) ... we will see.







Welcome back!!
Niko that is a piece of artwork! Nicely done and very clever, not mention it's even quick release with those magnets. I, I'm sure we, look forward to seeing your findings. Thanks for your work and for sharing
Niko that is a piece of artwork! Nicely done and very clever, not mention it's even quick release with those magnets. I, I'm sure we, look forward to seeing your findings. Thanks for your work and for sharing


All "innovations / developments" human race creates are because we become lazy :P ( some smart-guy said once something like this, as I remember ).

Actually as you can see, there is nothing complicated to built it. All great ideas are simple ;) Anybody can do this. Most important to wait for that moment "when this apple will fall on your head",@ I.Newton.

It's just I wanted to make my work ( tests ) more convenient, quick and more accurate ... and of course I dont want to shock local people seeing me driving with 5-6 dash-cameras stacked on windshield.
Dash-cameras here in Ireland are very rare to see. For the past 2-3 years I saw only couple dash-cams on local cars. On daily bases I drive with 1 dash cam ( 1 front 1 rear ), and even then those people who may see them ( in car park or when slowly driving ), - they looking at me like on UFO. Try to imagine faces if they see my car with 6 front dash-cams ? :), - they get shock.

So yeah, my idea was to fit somehow 6 mini dash-cams discretely behind rearview-mirror ( this mount allows me to mount up to 6 Mobius / innovv/ Dimika ), and actually no7 dash camera behind other side of rearview mirror is Panorama II as you can see from last photo. So total 7 dash-cams all almost fitted behind rearview mirror ;)
of those small dashcams do you have any two that are identical versions, same version and lens etc?
of those small dashcams do you have any two that are identical versions, same version and lens etc?

All of them I have are with different lens.
ok, what I was going to suggest won't work then

I guess you thoght of side by side tests of 2 or more identical series / production cameras ( same lens etc.) same FW but with different settings for test purpose?
I guess you thoght of side by side tests of 2 or more identical series / production cameras ( same lens etc.) same FW but with different settings for test purpose?

not quite, if you have two identical models and you space them so that the lens centers are 63mm apart, trigger them from the same power so that they are in sync you could create 3D movies, there's free software about to handle the files and create the 3D film, doesn't really have anything to do with your testing of course, it's just one of those things that is possible
not quite, if you have two identical models and you space them so that the lens centers are 63mm apart, trigger them from the same power so that they are in sync you could create 3D movies, there's free software about to handle the files and create the 3D film, doesn't really have anything to do with your testing of course, it's just one of those things that is possible

Ok. Now I see what you meant. Interesting and intrigueing idea from you. Maybe one day I will try ot out ;)
I should add that your comment about testing the settings side by side is also good


If I would had more than one of the same Mobius or Innovv with same lenses, then I could do those tests.
using same speed/size sd cards?
wouldn't change things


Just to add: I always format every microsd card inside tested unit before test, just to minimize failure of error recording, which never happened during tests with any latest dash-cams, but what I had in the past ( few years ago ) with earlier cheaper chinese dashcams.
I assume you will only test all those cameras using the internal batteries :D
But nice setup looking forward to see the recordings.
I assume you will only test all those cameras using the internal batteries :D
But nice setup looking forward to see the recordings.

Half year ago when I got first Mobius, I always used power cable to connect it, but later realised that for 30min test drives no need it, especially it's pain in the a _ with all those cables if you do test 2-3 or more of them at same time ( I had once 6 different dashcams and it was nightmare to setup ). So with those mini action-cameras its easy to use internal battery power source for half hour test drive.

WIth Mobius vs Innov it used to look like this in the past.

Innovv vs Mobius mounted.jpg