New msetup and firmware


Jul 16, 2014
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Dash Cam
Roadhawk Ride (x2) : SJ1000 : Mobius"B"
Anybody hit any issues? - I'm new to Mobius but all seems fine after the updates.
Anybody hit any issues? - I'm new to Mobius but all seems fine after the updates.

I have just installed last night and all seems well. Still testing for sure but it seems to be a solid update. Also, check out the mobius support thread there is often much discussion about this there as well.
Thanks, didn't test it during night time yet. if it still have night issues ill revert again to FW 1.13.
My find is aswell again poor in the night. So go back to old ware.

The 2 things that was to be fix is night and also ignition problem. So instead they not. This is same as fix a car that is dirty instead of fix the engine!
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Video is street very well lights...

The actual conditions were much darker then indicated by the video. The 'Low Light' setting is remarkably good at making urban street lit scenes appear much brighter than it really is.

I live in a London suburb. I'd have to drive many miles to find unlit roads. I appreciate that Mobius performance on unlit roads is important to people who live in rural areas, however, it has little relevance for me, & I haven't got any unlit road clips to upload.

Perhaps you could upload some unlit road video clips taken with your Mobius?
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I know user experiences will vary. For me, low light in the new version still blinks, yet happens only occasionally so to me is improved. Russ is one user who has a perfect Low Light set up with v1.20, so sure stick with it.

The other big improvement for me is the start up. I had big problems with v1.20 and now it has started every time even in situations it didn't before. So far, I'm impressed with the changes of Step 3
New FW v2.10
- Moved many global function toggles to each video mode for greater versatility
- Added Boot Mode Default toggle: Mode 1, 2 or 3 (Photo mode). Photo Mode works with (or without) auto-
record and time-lapse functions turned on.
- Added Date Format toggles for local country standards.
- Added additional 50, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 fps video playback frame rate options.
- Added Time lapse Movie Function, with fixed 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 sec. frame capture delay options,
or a Custom (hrs:min:sec.) frame capture option. Recordings will play back at the selected video
playback frame rate giving native timelapse videos.
- Added AVI and MP4 movie file format options. AVI is non-standard format and cannot be edited without
repackaging or re-encoding.
- Added WVGA (848x480) Photo frame size option
- Changed 60s fixed Time-lapse Photo delay to a Custom setting (days:hrs:min). Camera goes to standby condition
with delay >= 5 sec. to conserve battery charge.
- Added Date Stamp display toggle for Photo Mode
- Added Audio-only recording mode (voice recorder - no video). Clip length settings do not affect audio
recording, which is always continuous recording (unless manually stopped) for 16 hours (with external power)
before it will S/S/C to avoid the 4GB file limit. Recording file size is about 3.75MB/min.
- Added toggles for Web Cam Rotatation (180 deg.) and Web Cam Video Mode (H.264 compression with audio or
MJPG without audio). H.264 also offers much smaller file sizes, less latency, and possibly smoother playback
on some older display devices.
- Slowed Down Battery status LED blinking to count flashes easier.
Whoa, you guys just install new firmware w/o reviewing notes? Especially when there is apparently a major revision? Ballsy.
Yup - But I'd only had it about 4 hours before the message - so why not!.

I suspect the low light issue has something to do with the "white balance" - the Mobius seems VERY sensitive to this. No bad thing - but it means that AUTO may not always be the best solution. I'll play a bit at the weekend. May depend on the colour of lights at night - Sodium Vapor, Halogen, LED, Xenon etc......
I saw people at rcgroups saying that configuring the white balance to "sunny day" resulted in better results. ill give it a try.
I have just loaded the new firmware v2.10 and noticed that I can have Video Mode 1 with sound and without for Mode 2.

This is handy as I have it at 1080p flipped with sound for mode 1 in the car, and 1080p unflipped without sound for the motorbike

So handy for getting rid of all that wind noise... and that is just from me :-)

Anybody hit any issues? - I'm new to Mobius but all seems fine after the updates.

I have a minor problem with the new 2.10 firmware,the program i use for splitting my videos is (ultra video splitter) but now i cant see the video,i only have sound,i downgraded the firmware back to v1.20 and now everything is ok.
I have a minor problem with the new 2.10 firmware,the program i use for splitting my videos is (ultra video splitter) but now i cant see the video,i only have sound,i downgraded the firmware back to v1.20 and now everything is ok.

Can you still play the video with a player? Did you change the format the video is being recorded in? Did you accidentally set it to audio only? If you changed formats then its likely the editor cant handle that format you selected.
Can you still play the video with a player? Did you change the format the video is being recorded in? Did you accidentally set it to audio only? If you changed formats then its likely the editor cant handle that format you selected.

hi,it plays in all my other players and editors ok,i reverted back to 1.20 tested it again and all is well,weird !!
Interesting. Sounds like something minor changed that may make the file incompatible with the editor. Perhaps the editor too had an update and no longer supports certain files.