Saobraćajna Kamera // Dashcam in Serbia

Feb 11, 2014
Reaction score
Belgrade, Serbia
Dash Cam
Carcam K2000 DV Turnkey
Hi everyone!

For a year now I have and use my Carcam K2000 DV Turnkey almost everyday. There are some big bugs and issues, but for now this is a good camera.

I created my YT channel to upload some of, in my opinion, interesting videos which can help others to see most frequent driving errors and violations.

Here are some of them:

See you soon with some new videos.
welcome to the forum. That first video showed a close call.
The first one dooing a 180.

Things are allso heating up here, taxi drivers use to be fairly good, but now many ppl from the mittel East and africa are in those jobs, and they seemingly dont give a damm.
Oh, yes. I see bunch of wierd stuff in traffic, but that one managed to surprise me: that is one of the main streets in city and there are some traffic surveilance cameras arround but he just had to do it. And from right lane ;)

Many drivers found that it's easy to violate regulations (a cop have to see you violate some, or to be recorded on traffic camera spots), so this kind of violations slowly become - normal.
I just HATE pigs who trow stuff out of ther car, there is absolutely no reason for doing that.
Here in Denmark there is lots of trashcans on the streets, and there is one at most bus stops, and we all have a trashcan at home too.

One of the best solutions i have to the problem is to ban fast food resturants to sell take away food / operate a drive thru, bcuz by observing the roadside it is easy to see if a fast food resturant is near by.

Sadly Cans have been allowed here, and since many get ther softdrinks and beer cheaper from Germany, those the Cans is trown all over the place as they are not supported by the Danish return system as Cans and bottles sold here.

Something odd was happening in that car, that's for sure..

After littering and opening the passenger door, this car overtakes 20-30 cars over the solid line (I have similar video recorded, so I didn't include that part)

edit: @jokiin: how and who controls so many drivers? I realize that the fine is big, but is it the only reason that drivers begin to reduce that practice?
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No wonder jokiin if that butt land in spinnefix in the dry season there is potensial for a bush fire, even here on the dry summer days we are warned against making fires or BBQing outside.

I am not sure if flicking a butt from a car here carry a fine, if it do you will proberly be unlycky to get a fine as our fjew and hard worked policemen have other things to do.

The past 2 years i have gone to greath length to try and pick a fight with ppl trowing crap out of ther car, but if i get ppl stopped they drive past me when i exit my car.
Any rubbish out the window will earn you the same fine, just mentioned the cigarette butt to illustrate the point, you could get the same fine for throwing an Apple core out
..........snip.......@jokiin: how and who controls so many drivers? I realize that the fine is big, but is it the only reason that drivers begin to reduce that practice?

When I started to drive in the late 60s & 70s, tossing things out the window was seen frequently....laws changed & people were getting tickets...nowadays it's rarely seen....I guess people still do it, since u sometimes see the trash, but they do it when no one is around.
I understand, but I wanted to learn how the authorities managed to make drivers pay more attention.

Here, we now have much higher fines, but it seems nothing works: drivers make same ammount of violations, police is not punishing.

Concerning the police - this video explains itself:

Here we have allso seen higher fines, as a matter of fact they got upped again at the start of this year.
What use to be a 500 Dkkr fine for not wearing a seatbelt is now a 1500 Dkkr fine, the 1500 Dkkr now seem to be the minimum fine here.
What confuse me is how do they expect those fines to be collected ? the police dont have time or the manpower to do it, even tho we have become a wierd kind of police state in my eyes.
The goverment have privatised the meter maids years ago, and now the Danes pay 3 X the amount in parking fines a year, it is virtually impossible to find a free parking spot in a larger Danish town.
Even at the hospitals it seem there is not enuff parking spaces, so around hospitals they collect massive ammounts of parking fines. ( worth billions of Ddkr )