Suggestions under $120


Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Bern thinking about getting a can for a while now to put in my 2012 Mustang. I've looked at a ton of reviews and videos but I'm still not sure what to get. Anyone have suggestions? I just want one with good video quality and decently reliable. Don't care too much about GPS at all.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Thanks Niko, would normally have searched myself but I was on my phone at work. I appreciate all the links, should have just waited till i got home though :(
I have read most of Niko's post and quick summary would be vf300w for $65 and gt550w/s for $100 price range.

Thanks again for the help. After looking through a ton of posts And videos I think I'm gonna order a GT680w from foxOffer.
Wait a few days maybe they'll have the all black version by then.
Ordered a couple days ago. Got the email saying it was shipped today. If it sticks out too much its not a big deal to paint flat black.