4hr 44min timelapse dash cam video with music


Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
So this is my favourite dash cam video ever, well, more for the music. For a year it's been my most listened to thing in the car especially when doing long journeys. If you like dance music there's a really good mixture in this. A Russian recorded the trip from Anapa, a holiday town in the south-west of Russia on the coast of the Black Sea, to Moscow. He's then added a great selection of music to it.

In fact, I like this so much that recently I took the time to index all the tracks and create a CUE sheet so that the offline AAC audio (or converted MP3) could be split up into tracks. I then gave the listing and the CUE sheet to the youtube user in case it proved useful to others.

"Driving to Moscow (1527 kilometers)"

I know it won't be to everyone's taste, but as special to me I thought I'd share.
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Great music, great video, great driver. I think he is not russian because driving on first lane all the time. You can see my videos from this area, and excluding the accident moments people will have an idea how russians are driving.
At 2:38:52 and 3:06:45 you can see a russian style. :lol:
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I have noticed what a good driver he is in comparison to the many Russian dash cam videos I see! I have a feeling he may have been doing an "eco run", or at least didn't see the point in taking risks to save 5 minutes on such a long journey. I had intended to make a similar music video of a journey I did to Germany last year, but I never got around to it. Plus, it was on my old analogue camera system which just looks **** in comparison to even my £34 dash cam! I'll be doing the journey again soon, so perhaps I'll do it next time. It'll probably be mostly dance music again, but mostly from the "demoscene", as it's a "demoparty" I'm driving to. And yes, I'll be listening to what I just call "Moscow" at some point on the way :).
what does "timelapse" in this case mean ? A collection of "normal" videos at high speed, or camera set-up to make one photo every few seconds ?
For dashcams is the "collection of "normal" videos at high speed".
