DR500GW-HD GPS goes on-and-off


Mar 19, 2013
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I have two units of Blackvue DR500GW-HD installed in two cars. On the first unit, the GPS signal went missing after two weeks of usage. On the second unit, the same symptom appear after two months of use.

On some days, there is constant GPS positioning, but on other days the GPS signal can go missing. This is indeed strange. Has anyone encountered similar GPS issue on the new DR500GW-HD?
Yes, sometimes. Not following the blue light, but when I check sometimes recordings in computer I can see no GPS action in some rides. After all, GPS is very slow to respond to speed changes. When accelerating and reaching constant speed 100 km/h, Live video indicates I´m doing only 60 km/h something. Takes usually several seconds to reach the actual speed.
I heard new 1.005 Korean firmware contains GPS improvement, but not sure. Improvement might contain as well disabling the GPS outside Korea, if the unit is bought through unofficial channels.
yeah the gps ont he 500 is awful, works about half the time. yet to try the new firmware.
The new firmware v1.005 only states system stabilization. I am not sure if it addresses this GPS issue.
Regarding the abnormal termination of Blackvue DR500GW-HD GPS, this symptom occurs and is prominent once the DVR overheats or after prolong continuous use; and the unit will shut-off. After the DVR has been restarted, the DVR's GPS will malfunction or goes into limp GPS mode. At this junction, the way to fix the DVR's GPS malfunction issue is to have the unit sent back for a 1-1 unit replacement. I am not aware of other method to reset the DVR and fix this issue.