GS1000 Dash Cam FAQ Added

We have just added a detailed FAQ on the GS1000 Dash Cam.  It describes the differences between the Blue Menu cameras and the Orange Menu cameras.


This camera is sold under a variety of brand names including: Samoon DV5E5, Givoe GS1000, Chelong CL-506GS-D, iconBIT DVR FHD MK2, TeXet DVR-1GP, Neoline Fusion, GlobusGPS GL-AV5 GPS, xDevice BlackBox 22G, Videosvidetel FHD G-360, Gmini MagicEye HD50G, Cyfron DV03-mobic GPS, Procam ZX9, Recam ZX9, Mteco HD iTracker, Magic Vision VR-330, Car Black Box DV5E5 HD, GT-506GS-D, Texet DVR-601FHD ,iconBIT DVR FHD, Gmini MagicEye HD50, Cyfron DV03-mobic and many more.