Blurry Video, Mobius 2 D lens

On Feb 9 I will be 71 and on Monday I had a Stress test and the Doctor told me I had heartattack but didn't know when.

So sorry to hear you've had a silent heart attack. I guess it could have been worse really, so I hope you got a good prognosis from your doctor going forward. :nurse: Take good care.
So sorry to hear you've had a silent heart attack. I guess it could have been worse really, so I hope you got a good prognosis from your doctor going forward. :nurse: Take good care.
Every thing else look OK or great.
@zznoname, this discussion about small pocket sized portable power banks jogged my memory about something that may be useful to you. Just about three years ago, I posted a thread about a little 2AA cell emergency power bank I came across at a local dollar store. (Dollar Tree). They run on two rechargable Ni-MH or primary Alkaline cells

For a buck, these were terrific inexpensive gadgets for powering dash cams Unfortunately, as far as I know, Dollar Tree no longer sells them but they are widely available for very modest prices on the internet, especially on places like eBay and AliExpress.

These things hardly weigh anything and they are quite tiny. I think they would make a great, cheap, spare back-up camera power supply for you to carry on your travels. The beauty of something like this is that no matter where you go in the world you are likely to find a source of AA alkaline batteries if you should need some. They'll run a Mobius camera for about two hours or more. I have two of them and use them occasionally to run a Mobius for temporary surveillance purposes and wildlife observation on my rural property.


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I think Walmart sales something like this and the next I go there I will check.
When I bought a 808 #11 I order a power pack but it was a 1AA battery and it dose the same as the 2AA you posted. I just found it later I will try on my Mobius 2.
I look up Samsung s9 and that cable won't work so I was wrong and I am SORRY.

You need to get a WiFi camera like the Mobius Maxi.
Wow. I really blew it today.
Oh my. Really. What a jerk I am.

Okay. Yes, jmdlcar. your links were not sutible for the project.
Thanks for working through that, and clearing it up.

But, No problem. Because it was all my fault.

You see, I had all the information I needed from Dashmellow.
A good quality standard USB-A to mini-B cable will do

So what did I do?

Well first off, for the Live View + app, I needed a Mini B, to Type C.

While chatting with Monoprice, I mixed up standard USB A, and Mini B. Then came up with MINI A, and nobody knew what the heck I was talking about.
Those poor people. They tried so hard to understand.

Actually, I was looking for USB Type C to Mini B

In the end it was all clear.

Of course, It's out of stock. :).

Thanks again.
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You need to get a WiFi camera like the Mobius Maxi.

Well.. I'm hoping to just find a USB C to Mini B cable.
And, I already purchased the F1, with WiFi. Supposed to be delivered on Monday.
And.. I purchase the, "Lexar C1 microSD Reader" for micro SD quick viewing.
But I'd like a M1 backup for a live focusing check. And I'm hoping the Type C to Mini B cable setup, and the M1 app, will solve that.
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I used any old USB A to Mini B cables I have laying around. And I have a lot. So many crunched into old boxes, because it was a popular connection with Mini DV cameras.

Of course, I never new the connection/ports names.

Anyway, put a USB A to C adapter on, connected it to a Tab A with the app, and it worked instantly.

Live video. With features. Yeah.

Project done. Two days, and a lot of people's help.

Thank you.
You all followed this, never, ever would it have happen without your generoisity.

You dug deep, and gave so much. I am truly grateful. Thank you.

No joking. From frustration and impatience, with few options. None of them sufficient to solve the problem (couldn't even buy the camera I needed) to anticipating the F1's potentials.


And I learned so much. Can't wait to explore Dashcamtalk when we return.

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Costco has 64gb micro SD cards for around $10. each (a bit cheaper in Chicago stores).

I'm guessing, the F1, even at a "normal" 1080 setting, will eat up memory cards. Much more storage space will be needed for the higher resolutions. At least, much more than the M1 that can store hours of video on a 32gb card.

I did a search with no results. Would anyone have a link to F1 video resolutions options and the amount of miniSD storage needed?

Also.. stuff you already know... what about a18650 battery and a small case?



The two 3500mAh batteries cost much more than the 5,000 mAh "lipstick" battery pack.

That's so odd to me. Would anyone explain that?


I'm guessing people nowadays are more interested in the 128gb and bigger cards, that's what the low price.

Thanks. Thanks again. Jon
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Costco has 64gb micro SD cards for around $10. each (a bit cheaper in Chicago stores).

I'm guessing, the F1 I've purchased, even at a "normal" 1080 setting will eat up memory cards. Much more storage space will be needed for the higher resolutions. At least, much more than the M1 that can store hours of video on a 32gb card.

I did a search with no results. Would anyone have a link to F1 video resolutions options and the amount of miniSD storage needed?

Also.. stuff you already know... what about a18650 battery and a small case?



The two 3500mAh batteries cost much more than the 5,000 mAh "lipstick" battery pack.

That's so odd to me. Would anyone explain that?


I'm guessing people nowadays are more interested in the 128gb and bigger cards, that's what the low price.

Thanks. Thanks again. Jon

Firstly, those particular SandIsk memory cards are best avoided in dash cams. Secondly, as you alluded to, you'll need faster, larger capacity memory cards for a 4K camera like the F1.

As for the 18650 lithium-ion cells, the ones you linked to are outrageously overpriced. (at least twice what you should expect to pay) Best to purchase from a reliable sell who specializes in such things like Illumination Supply.
Firstly, those particular SandIsk memory cards are best avoided in dash cams.

Say it ain't so, Joe.

As in... won't work?

I get larger, but faster? SanDisk has labeled these Ultra, Class 10.

I did take Buy Mobius' advice when purchasing the M1, buying their stocked Kingston 32gb cards. Eventhough, dating back to the "begining" I thought the consensus was Kingston are the cheaper cards.

But... the price. And SanDisk? The famous, crazy fast, usually higher priced cards, are not suitable for the F1?

It never ends .)

Okay. Not suitable, or don't use? As in... you'll lose footage and/or poor quality, dropped frames?

Geez. And my nearby Costco was sold out. I was going to go farther tomorrow to purchase more.

Those particular cards are fine, there is an entry level model card they have which looks very similar that are the ones to avoid
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D Mobius 2 / M2 11