How many Mini 0803's are faulty?

Maybe instead of complaining about my product all those on here who think the product is great how about stepping up and offering to swap yours for the faulty ones, because surly if it is as some of you think user error or lack of looking for a solution on a forum for a BRAND NEW PRODUCT! Then you wont have a problem standing by your claims that there is nothing wrong with the device, and its us that are at fault. The first thing I did was read the forums and do the mount fix. But why would they lock up, or record randomly, even with powered directly? Hey ho must be me and my incompetence. So who would like to swap there fully working no problems ever device for one from a complaining user in this thread?
You even have a manufacturer saying production QA is hit and miss, what if we have the crappy one and you have the good ones, don't we have a right to air our concerns, feedback is what gets things fixed after all. It also helps in development of better products.
@ kelvin How do you know if you have a "New" unit with the heat sink?
Maybe instead of complaining about my product all those on here who think the product is great how about stepping up and offering to swap yours for the faulty ones, because surly if it is as some of you think user error or lack of looking for a solution on a forum for a BRAND NEW PRODUCT! Then you wont have a problem standing by your claims that there is nothing wrong with the device, and its us that are at fault. .
I never said that there were no faulty ones or implied that the faulty one were down to user error. I said that the people who have good ones (who could very well be a vast majority) don't complain. The people who have faulty one do complain, and rightly so, and it is these complaints that the product gets judged on.
Mine is working fine just now but as Jokiin says, its luck of the draw and I've been lucky. I'd be an idiot to swap it with someone who has been unlucky wouldn't I?

Looking for someone to swap out my faulty one with a good one. Any offers? Can only ship by Road within Australia.

My experience with Foxoffer, In short. A very poor experience.

The feeling you get when you get shipped a faulty unit is your heart sinks. It is not worth the stress arguing with Foxoffer. $20 compensation does not cover the faulty out of the box Mini 0803 I have now packed back in the box and in the bottom of the cupboard in the garage with my other junk bits and pieces.

Foxoffer offered postage to send back, but when I needed a commitment to refund this to me, it was not forthcoming. Their suggestion to send back via Australia post as others have got away with and as it would be the cheapest method, but I would have to make a false Dangerous goods declaration and potentially have the unit sent back to me before it even leaves the country.

PayPal not helpful.

Good outcome for Foxoffer but not a good outcome for me as a customer. I have a faulty camera and Foxoffer has my $124.

As some have said. It is a risk when buying from China or “Luck of the draw”.

For me I am not advising anyone to buy or not buy from Foxoffer. I am just relaying my experience and outcome and it has not been a good one for me.

Foxoffer have a long way to go with their customer service and also ethics, however that is their business and their business will fail or succeed based on whether customers will accept the way they do business.

So some lessons learnt here for me and hopefully others can consider this when choosing to buy from China, you need to accept the risk that you can be sent a dud and its not cost effective to send it back.

My preference is that we find solutions so both Chinese sellers win and their customers world wide win. and have a good experience
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I was actually thinking- Jokiin - Shenzhen / Sydney. Maybe get it to you and you bring it on your next trip to China to get replaced.
Your not coming to Bris at all in the coming months are you? :)

My thoughts to a solution would be to have some address in Australia where faulty Product/returns can be shipped to so Chinese sellers know they have been returned and then they ship a replacement. Then do a bulk ship of faulty items back to china or discard at the tip.

I am sure this would open up an opportunity for more sales as Australian customers would know they have a solution to the constraint of shipping faulty items with a battery back to China.
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I could do that if Foxoffer are ok with getting it back a bit later, I'm in Sydney now and will be back in Shenzhen in 8 weeks time, no issue for me to pass it to them
I have replaced my both 0803 mounts by 0801, no more issue any more.
Pins are correctly fitted on 0801 mount compared to 0803 mount.
Your both cameras has GPS? If yes, works without problem?
Thanks for quick reply. I will locate 0803 to windshield when i buy it and will move 0801 to back. I don't want to change mounts. So i know shouldn't move it now :)
Thanks again.
@ kelvin How do you know if you have a "New" unit with the heat sink?

You will have to open it up to see the heat sink. Once we get the stock, I'll post an update to see if there is any differentiation on the exterior.

OR, the easiest way is to just order from ;)

I could do that if Foxoffer are ok with getting it back a bit later, I'm in Sydney now and will be back in Shenzhen in 8 weeks time, no issue for me to pass it to them
Thanks for jokiin help our customers to solve the problem. Normally we expect the customer to ship the defective unit to get replacement, most of the time buyers can ship the camera back without problem.
We will start to ship replacement to @Ricstar next week.
You will have to open it up to see the heat sink. Once we get the stock, I'll post an update to see if there is any differentiation on the exterior.

OR, the easiest way is to just order from ;)

Heat sink is inside, also the case is updated and can work in high temperature environment.
Had two of these and read how much better than the mini0801 they were.....I disagree and found them buggy and one overheated in a vehicle causing damage. So to endorse this product I would be a hypocrite and amback to using the Mini 0801 and Gs100 models