Mobius Firmware v0.57 low light issue


Feb 22, 2013
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using v0.57 im having issues with low light. when im driving at night in roads that have street lights, which is almost all roads, the recorded image get stuttery as if in slow motions, like the camera is having a hard time dealing with the light changes. this happen on all my night time videos, it didn't happen with firmware 0.47.
i remember seeing another guy talk about this in rcgroups forum but i can't recall if someone payed attention to it.

someone else can confirm this issue? i saw Isoprop here from time to time, can you elaborate on this issue? will it be fixed?
uploaded a small sample, its original, not re encoded:
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I have the same problem, in FW v0.57 the white balance (I think) it's very sensitive, it changes even on my turn signal lights. Sometimes it's like somebody takes flash pictures of the same scenery. I downgraded to v0.47 and it's much better and I intend to publish a video sample on the RCGroups support thread (if nobody else did it already). I think it would be allowed as it shows a Mobius problem.
Thanks horaceCJ,
hope this gets the developer's attention. slow motion and flickering videos at night are not very nice.

if you can, please also add my video sample to rcgroups forum, maybe it will help the developer to download a file that was not re encoded by YouTube.
Done! I see Tom is online, maybe he will notice my post. Until now he ignored AP users complaining about low-light problems in v0.57. Or maybe the problem is already in the developer's attention.
He did:
Thanks for the video comparison. There are some color instabilities that seem to have been introduced in the last FW... I see them in bright light to shade transitions as well, and it does seem to be triggered by light intensity levels. It's being worked on, and hopefully a more stable FW will be released soon.
I'm using v0.53. I reviewed some street-lit night footage a couple of days ago, but didn't observe this issue at all. I was pretty pleased with the video quality.

I would review the files again, but they've now been overwritten.

Edit ... On reflection, I think I did save a 3 minute file of the worst lit section of my trip to my laptop. I'll have another look at it when I get home on Monday.

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I've also experienced the issue of what appears as a rapidly opening and closing iris since flashing to v0.57.

I've had another irksome problem as well. About half the time the camera fails to auto start when I start my vehicle and the only way to get the camera to start is to press the power button. After that it will shut off as it should when the ignition switch is turned off. It is puzzling that the issue is intermittent. At first I thought it was a USB connection problem but that doesn't seem to be the case.

My Mobius problems began when I updated to vo.53 and ran into the "lockup-bug". When I went to hook up the camera to my computer to go back to vo.47 the camera locked itself again as soon as it got power but a reset allowed me to proceed. The issue of failing to power up since installing vo.57 is different but seems possibly related. Has anyone else experienced this? Other than that the .57 update has provided a noticeable improvement in color balance and overall image quality. In fact, aside from the low light exposure issue overall, the night time performance seems improved but I need to confirm my initial impressions about that.
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Glad I found this thread. I upgraded one of my Mobius yesterday to 0.57 and it was out last night in the dark - I just checked and the video is shocking!

It's like watching slow motion footage with blurred video, poor definition of signs/ no detail, jerky motion and every so often the video goes dark for a split second like the lights have all been turned off.

I'll be reverting back too ... there were never any problems with previous versions of firmware.
I am getting a pulsing with the brightness level when the car headlights are shining on something close.
FW v0.57
WDR is on.
On the second part of the clip the frequency changes depending on how far away the wall is.

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Downgrade to 0.47 and wait for a new FW. The developer is working on the problem.
I've posted this at RC Groups...

'In dashcam circles, Mobius is generally regarded as having superior daytime video quality over any rival using the same Processor and CMOS Sensor... doubtless due to lens quality.

At night, however, the same rivals slightly outperform Mobius, presumably due to better-tuned firmware. With the right firmware development, Mobius should outperform all rivals with the same Processor and CMOS Sensor.

This must be of interest to the Developer, as it would boost sales to dashcam users, many of whom regard low-light performance as a decisive factor in a camera purchase decision.

For the time being, however, an increasing number of Mobius dashcam users are reverting to v0.47, which does not exhibit the low-light issues apparently introduced by v0.57'

The Developer follows that RC Groups thread, so maybe they'll try something useful, like testing firmware in-car at night!
Tom Frank has replied...

'Yes, I already sent the developer a note about this. But I personally think there are more pressing image quality issue that affect the video in good light that needs to be resolved first.'

My feelings are forget daytime performance (already v.good), & focus on low-light performance. Hopefully, the Developer will agree that improvement in this area will translate into increased sales, so make it priority #1.

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Downgrade to 0.47 and wait for a new FW. The developer is working on the problem.

We were advised to update to the latest GUI version before attempting to download and install FW v0.57.
If I want to go back to v0.47, do I need to go back to the older GUI first?
I think the GUI is backward compatible. I'm using the latest one and I already upgraded to 0.57 and then downgraded to 0.47 twice, so the answer is "no". I even used a settings profile saved for 0.57 and there were no problems.
Also, no need to use the GUI to downgrade to 0.47. you can use the manual method, read more about it in the Mobius PDF. you just need to copy the firmware file to the root of the SD card and disconnect the camera.
Strange ! ???
I have "upgraded" Mobius A-lens and Mobius B-lens to v0.57, made side-by side night video tests and did NOT had any flickering or stuttering issues. Maybe I am just lucky ? :) I will post video tests soon along with raw video files.