One of the "good" days for my camera


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Dash Cam
10 years, many dashcams
This i got off my dashcam in 1 day, and i dident even bother adding all the "minor" traffic offences i allso witnessed that day.

First part is Danes displaying how they react in a intersection when a ambulance is comming.
Second part is a old guy overlooking a red light and allmost run over a old woman in a crosswalk.

From your voice comments I understood " ... idiots" :), but second part was without voice, - I guess you used more stronger language after you saw this incident and had to mute recording, right ?!
It's written Mic: off on the second part;)
hehe yes and Thats good, i was not verbally nice to the old guy who drove the car.

I have allways been a pretty calm person, but the last 2 years i have become extremely verbal and overcome with anger, i feel like i must comment on just about everything i see or hear and it is not good things i have to say in most cases.
Good footage, when he says she crossed in the middle of traffic and it wasn't his fault
Just uploaded another Little compilation from the Danish roads, no crashes or blood just Danes disregarding traffic rules.
hehe yes and Thats good, i was not verbally nice to the old guy who drove the car.

I have allways been a pretty calm person, but the last 2 years i have become extremely verbal and overcome with anger, i feel like i must comment on just about everything i see or hear and it is not good things i have to say in most cases.

Totally understand you. Me also some time like to "talk" to some idiots drivers. This helps quickly to release pressure caused ;)