Server issues?

I had that yesterday trying to post an image (PNG)
I am seeing multiples threads of same name ... yea,. there be issues.
Yes, there is definitely something going on with the servers. Yesterday I could not access the site at all for several hours. Much later in the day I could access DCT again but I takes a long time to log in and the pages often load very slowly, This had continued through today.

I also experienced a duplicate post where I got error messages but the posts became active anyway even though on my end it seemed like nothing had happened other than an error message.
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Yes, there is definitely something going on with the servers. Yesterday I could not access the site at all for several hours. Much later in the day I could access DCT again but I takes a long time to log in and the pages often load very slowly, This had continued through today.

I also experienced a duplicate post where I got an error messages but the posts became active anyway even though on my end it seemed like nothing had happened other than an error message.
My experience has been pretty much the same except no issues logging in. Had a couple of posts with the error message(s) that resulted in multiple posts that I had to delete.
Yes, there was a server change and some errors are occurring. Getting them investigated now.
Sort of related.

I got a mail from my ISP today, the price go up 1.5 dollars to 43.7 USD /mo for my 1000 / 100 internet, but then i get 1000 / 500
Better but the not even numbers still offset my OCD
Some fixes were put in place. Please let me know if you are still seeing issues.
Yes, incredible lag. It's intermittent but mostly 95% of the time. It's most noticeable (for me) when reviewing or changing my account details. I am using W11 and Chrome. I tried other browsers too, same issues.
Some fixes were put in place. Please let me know if you are still seeing issues.
During the day, UK time, GMT, it's OK but at 'stupid o clock' UK time 03:00 to 05:00, there is mostly a lag of a minute to load pages

Been happening for a few weeks now
Same here, and its not at my end, my upload uplift took effect today so 5 X larger now.


Uploading that little picture took like 10 seconds.
For quite a long time now, really since server issues were first reported back in November, whenever I click on a link to a different page within DCT there is a lag and it takes an inordinate amount of time for the new page to even begin to load, usually about 6 or more seconds. This only happens with DCT whereas on other web sites pages begin to load instantly. I was going to post about this awhile back but I figured it would get sorted out sooner or later, yet the problem has lingered.

Somehow, within the last hour or two after being away from my computer, site performance and speed seems back to normal. Something has suddenly changed for the better. Maybe the Xenforo upgrade did the trick?
Just found an issue with a backup process that was configured incorrectly. That has been resolved. Please let me know if the issues continue.