
Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
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Dash Cam
10 years, many dashcams
you would think the weather in the moment was perfect, but this also outline the challenges dashcams face.

So what you see are the XS providing the base line recording and the first freeze frame / zoom, followed by the same from the SJDASH
The XS was placed on the left of the vertical center line of my windscreen where the GC sit, and the SJDASH are on the Right of the GC.
There are a little offset in the horizontal alignment of the 2 cameras in question, but not by much, most are to blame for the 2 cameras not having the same lens.

456 MB download.!zwA3TAxB!GzmFH9Z5Zct3wB9EwZqHjnJxIu_oEf07cnTrYFXZPag
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thanks for doing that, I thought the SJ would have smashed the V1 but the difference is not as dramatic as I would have expected
Yeah the SJDASH do seem to have a wider dynamic palette to operate with, there are some differences in the horizontal adjustments on these recordings, i will grab pictures of that so people can see for them self.
The XS V2 i assume will even out these things.
And yeah i can see what i did with the mega link, uploaded the right file then deleted it and linked to a wrong file :rolleyes: im getting old over here :(
But i am working to fix that now.

To tie you over i have a mid 50 % of both cameras on a back road scenic drive
The full frame of camera alignment in today's recordings.
As you can see its not massive different but the SJDASH do have a little bit more dashbord in the bottom.


The Mega link in OP should now be to the correct file.
Ill try and adjust the XS a little and do a new recording tomorrow, maybe a little in town as this nature scenic drive have its limitations on what can be determined from it.
That first video with the freeze frames and zoom in actually take a while to compile in my editing software, but i have plenty of time and i still think a person or two might fine any use for my work, so to me time well spent.

Maybe if i was able to maximize the way i use my pinnacle studio i might be able to do it a little faster, we will see, if i get pissed about current procedures i might dive into it and see if i can disrupt the process.
thanks for doing that, I thought the SJ would have smashed the V1 but the difference is not as dramatic as I would have expected
Funny you say that because one of the things I like the most about the XS is its crispiness. After Youtube's "treatment", you can tell that the XS's picture is much less affected than the SJ's. My only "issues" are the exaggerated contrast and the blue tint (and the "ticking" in the audio but that's apparently a hardware problem).
you would think the weather in the moment was perfect, but this also outline the challenges dashcams face.

So what you see are the XS providing the base line recording and the first freeze frame / zoom, followed by the same from the SJDASH
The XS was placed on the left of the vertical center line of my windscreen where the GC sit, and the SJDASH are on the Right of the GC.
There are a little offset in the horizontal alignment of the 2 cameras in question, but not by much, most are to blame for the 2 cameras not having the same lens.

456 MB download.!zwA3TAxB!GzmFH9Z5Zct3wB9EwZqHjnJxIu_oEf07cnTrYFXZPag
I compared your downloadable file, even though it's not the original file, with my raw footage from the XS and there's no difference. It has the same "issues".
Okay i have more video with this 2 cameras.

Some observations in regard to color:

The SJDASH are strong in colors, most prominent yellow and green, blue seem to be fine.
SG9665XS are strong on the blue color but yellow and green seem fine.

As you can see by the footage the SJDASH is quite yellow and warm to it, my general feeling of the colors is that they are oversaturated i have recommended SJcams that they dial it back a little.
Overall i feel the SG9665XS do pretty good with the colors, but you can see on our bright blue busses and the dark blue color of traffic signs that the blue are on the strong end, in this footage the SJDash pretty much nail the blue colors.

Something to look for in the footage:

Yellow brick houses scattered around, those bricks car be a little different, but in this clip its mostly old buildings and the bricks do fade a little over time, it is my feeling the XS do best on those.
At 1:25 i pass a yellow sign on the right, this are the shop Netto, again the XS do better where the SJDASH have the sign almost orange.
I have powder painted a few NETTO signs but i cant remember the RAL color, but it is a vivid yellow color.

At the intersection shortly after i catch up with a bus on the last stretch to the bus station a few 100 M from here, in this case the SJDASH paint the bus bright blue and the XS have it somewhat darker than it are IRL. ( the bus are color RAL 5012 )

The brownstone houses, the favorite brick of the Danes, you will see the SJDASH having them mighty brown, on the other hand the XS might be understating on the color-reproduction of those.
These bricks also have a lot of red to them, many actually call then red bricks, and a few red/brown, i am using the english name brownstone as i think people can relate to that though i am sure that a American brownstone are not the same color as a Danish brown stone.

You can drive the last part of my route on the roof of a google car here, their cameras are not 100% dead on either, but it is something else to compare with.!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=da

And if you wish you can navigate the whole route starting here.!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=da

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Very good job. And you are not getting older, just wiser!

Στάλθηκε από το LG-H960 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
Here is part #2 from today, by now the sun found a little hole in the skies.

The unaltered raw files in the full glory will go up on YT soon, i think i just do the 2 files making up the video in post #12
Well i did lecture on Archimedes ( leverage ) to a bunch of school teachers a few days ago as my friend and me helped his neighbor demolish a concrete garage.
If we dident those SOB's would still be there pounding on the upright concrete walls with a heavy big ass jackhammer.

Also a little Newton and his law of objects in motion, and not least why you dont want to be in the way of one of those, though it might only move at 1 - 2 MPH the several 100 kilos of concrete will do a lot of damage to flesh and bone.
The full frame footage making up post #12

I am not quite sure what else i can do with these 2 suckers, so if someone have any ideas please feel free to share.

The mount of the SJDASH are less flexible than the one i use with the XS, that's thy the XS are lined so much better up then the similar offset SJDASH
Overall i feel the SG9665XS do pretty good with the colors, but you can see on our bright blue busses and the dark blue color of traffic signs that the blue are on the strong end, (...)
In my footage, all black things turn blue-ish: the shadows, some black cars and even the asphalt. Another thing one other user also complained about that I see in your videos too is the "white" traffic lights.
Yes i remember one of the first things mentioned was the hard to tell colors of traffic lights, but the later firmware fixed that at least to some degree for me.
But i will give you that the farther away you are from the light the harder it is to determine the color as it do appear more white than anything else.

It would be fun is you was able to work with the color profile on the camera like you would do on a computer or TV screen, i have a sneaky feeling the issue might lie with the current color reproduction setting of the camera.
Maybe move it from a predominant blue profile to one of yellow, just not so much as the SJDASH seem to have.

The SJDASH you can at times see make the pavement stones on the sidewalk brownish, but they are just 60 X 60 CM concrete slabs and pretty much Grey.
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