WDR is for daytime use ?


New Member
Feb 16, 2014
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United States
I somehow got the impression from reading reviews of cameras here on dashtalk that WDR helped with night video. I found out that with the camera I bought, when WDR is on at night it makes a blue/purple overlay on the video. ( WDR = wide dynamic range ) I asked the vender about this, here is what they said.

Thank you for your email. We take our customer’s comments and concerns seriously.

From your email, you have an inquiry on the WDR function for your dash cam-model WP7. Wide dynamic range (WDR) is intended to provide clear images when there are very bright and very dark areas simultaneously in the camera's field of view. In a scene with extremely bright and dark areas or in backlight situations where a person is in front of a bright window, a typical camera would produce an image where objects in the dark areas would hardly be visible. WDR solves this by applying techniques such as using different exposures for different objects in a scene to enable objects in both bright and dark areas to be visible.

Please keep in mind that the WDR ability of brightness compensation function works well for daytime. During night time, the amount of bright light is minimal. Because the average lighting conditions is lower, the WDR function can be sacrificed.

In order for us to understand the situation better, it will be greatly appreciated if you can please send us a 30-second footage that contains the situation you described in your prior email. This way, we can study the footage and hopefully can define some possible reasons that result the described situation.

I sent them a frame capture of a night video with WDR on and one with WDR off , there was a purple/blue haze over the WDR picture just as in the video, the picture with with WDR off was clear, much better with no purple/blue haze over the picture again just as in the video. I would insert them here for you to see but I have nowhere to upload them to link to. anyway here is what the vender said about it.

By looking at your screen shots, the effect is actually very normal. WDR is commonly used during daytime for over/under exposure under daylight conditions. CMOS lens are most suitable for a low light condition which is normally during night time. We recommend turning off the WDR at night time low light condition for a better result.

any comments on this or on WDR usage ?

WDR is predominantly a benefit at night, daytime quality actually drops a little with it on, you do need some light for it to work though, it won't see in the dark

the screen shots you mentioned would help

also the hardware spec of your product if you know it
search and read about wide dynamic range WDR. I am beginning to think its meant to be used when driving into the sun. I will have to test this when I can.
You appear to be confusing WDR with CPL. As implemented for use with dashcams, WDR is intended to improve low–light video clarity.
WDR is good for at night. Also is it important to have WDR? Some dashcams like the GS1000 orange menu doesn't have WDR. Thanks.
In my opinion for the group 5 wp7 dashcam, WDR is for daytime use, only when you want to see into shadowy areas. otherwise it makes the video look worse overall in daylight. WDR is not useful at night as it generates a purple haze over dark areas of the video and again makes the video look worse overall. Now the question I would like to ask. Is this true with other dash cameras ?

here is a short video demonstrating how WDR effects the video during daytime in a shadowy area, in the video the WDR is on then when I shut it off you see how the shadow area darkens.

File "WDR-on-then-off.mpg"
could be a hardware problem, could just as easily be a firmware problem, could likely be improved in firmware, don't know anything about this brand at all to know whether that's likely to happen or not though