7 Cam Test: Mobius 1 & 2, GitUp F1 & G3, A119, B1W, Xiaomi Mijia Mini

Very hard homework :)
Is the B1W in the factory firmware or the new Beta? Awesome effort @TonyM :D Should our paths cross a beverage of your choice is on me ;) Now time for me to get working on getting some vids UL'ed etc.

I can't get all the cameras aligned exactly the same

If you did a cropped image of each camera instead of a full image you would have some options to tweak in post production, but for me just with 2 images it are more than enough, with this many cameras i would go insane i am sure.
Is the B1W in the factory firmware or the new Beta? Awesome effort @TonyM :D Should our paths cross a beverage of your choice is on me ;) Now time for me to get working on getting some vids UL'ed etc.

B1W is on the factory firmware, with the time stamp in the top left corner.
I noticed that with the B1W and its text location, maybe white letters are not the optimal color-
The text is moving to the bottom left corner soon, I think
Not sure which location will be best,bottom left corner? or bottom right corner?
Not sure which location will be best,bottom left corner? or bottom right corner?
Depends if the car is left hand drive or right hand drive!
If you put it in the middle then it works for both...

Sometimes you want to read the plate of a passing car when it is in the bottom corner, in countries that drive on the left then the passing car will be on the right so you don't want the time on the right. But normally you can't see the plate by the time it reaches the corner anyway so it probably doesn't matter which side the time is. Maybe in a truck where the windscreen is vertical it would matter.
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Not sure which location will be best,bottom left corner? or bottom right corner?

Depends if the car is left hand drive or right hand drive!
If you put it in the middle then it works for both...

Sometimes you want to read the plate of a passing car when it is in the bottom corner, in countries that drive on the left then the passing car will be on the right so you don't want the time on the right. But normally you can't see the plate by the time it reaches the corner anyway so it probably doesn't matter which side the time is. Maybe in a truck where the windscreen is vertical it would matter.
I don't think it matters much either way. The bottom of the video is usually your own car or dash, rather than anything worth recording outside.
Depends if the car is left hand drive or right hand drive!
If you put it in the middle then it works for both...

Sometimes you want to read the plate of a passing car when it is in the bottom corner, in countries that drive on the left then the passing car will be on the right so you don't want the time on the right. But normally you can't see the plate by the time it reaches the corner anyway so it probably doesn't matter which side the time is. Maybe in a truck where the windscreen is vertical it would matter.
Mini0906 leaves its time text in the middle;Blackvue/Thinware/Vicovation/DDpai in left;Xiaomi Yi/Viofo/Anker/Ppago/Garmin in the right corner.
Mini0906 leaves its time text in the middle;Blackvue/Thinware/Vicovation/DDpai in left;Xiaomi Yi/Viofo/Anker/Ppago/Garmin in the right corner.
Sometimes you can see white side pillars at the edge of the windscreen on the left and right of the image, or more often reflections of the white pillars, the middle is more consistently a dark dashboard or dark paintwork, probably middle is safest for clear reading.
In regard to plate capture i find that when the plate get in that close to appear at the bottom side of the footage, by then its passing speed in relation to the camera are so high that it will only be readable at the very best of circumstances.
So in general i find the optimal time are when the car are so far off it are just getting into the optical sweet spot where the plate actually become readable, and then you have a few subsequent frames where you might get a chance of a good read.

So i think the bottom are best for text, cuz if you can get a read of a plate that low in the frame you should also be able to get a read before that as it is a optimal day for that, on the other hand if it is not a optimal day ( low light ) it dosent really matter where the test are cuz you will not get a read and surely not in the bottom of the footage where the plates are suffering the most from motion blur.

And also with what i find the best horizontal lineup of the camera down at the bottom you will have dashbord and hood of car, so no captures to be made there anyway.
Sp to me the whole bottom of the frame are wide open for anything dashcam makers want to put in there.
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Sometimes you can see white side pillars at the edge of the windscreen on the left and right of the image, or more often reflections of the white pillars, the middle is more consistently a dark dashboard or dark paintwork, probably middle is safest for clear reading.
Here is an example of white text at bottom right not working.
Gitup F1 mounted on the dashboard as a real dashcam should be!

Had the text been black in the lower left it would have been equally bad. I don't see that a perfect solution is possible. Every choice will be wrong at some point :whistle:

You could have white with a black border, or black with a white border, rather than plain white or black text.

Or use white text on a black background like the mijia. It may not look pretty, but it's always readable.