ausdom a261

  1. hostile

    Dome D201-1 vs AUSDOM A261 - which one better ?

    Hi looking for my first dash cam Im choose between this too Which one better and whats the difference between D201-1 and D201 ?? like here vs Is it D201-1 got build in gps? i dont want it external thanks
  2. jamieroquai

    wich one of these 3

    Hello everyone ! I have my eye on a AUSDOM A261 2K or a mini 0826 / 0805 what would you recommend me ? it´s for use in a hotter climate thanks
  3. dash riposki

    Join the campaign to stop trucker illiteracy today!

    A high number of US truckers seem to be illiterate, and can't even read simple road signs. Here we see a trucker who can't read 'No turn on red' and 'stop here on red' signs, or chooses not to obey them. Maybe they use too big words on the signs? 'NO' is kind of hard to understand? This...