
  1. nutsey

    Same hardware (Hi3559 V200+IMX415) comparisons

    Front A800 Front Olysine Back A800 Back Olysine
  2. nutsey

    Galaxycore GC2023 vs Sony IMX323

    NT96650-based dashcams tested in low light side by side. Please note that the cam with IMX323 sensor has CPL filter installed.
  3. nutsey

    Firefly 7S MODx custom firmware.

    MOD1 FW released for both low distortion and standard fisheye lens versions.
  4. nutsey

    HDR expo bracketing script.

    Captures 3 JPEGs with 0EV, -3EV and +3EV exposure bracketing. More adjustments are added for extra details in shadows and highlights. Merge these JPEGs into one HDR using appropriate software.