

    ISO: Entry-Level Cam for Single Cab Work Truck

    As the title suggests, looking for something to use with a single cab work pickup. I'm grandpa-esque driver in a bone-stock (not even tint) dually that seems to attract the nut jobs on the highway. I'd like the ability to record forward and aft with internal lenses, as I keep my windows clear...
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    DR-650S 1CH internal resonation/vibration

    Hello all, I have just installed a DR-650S 1CH. As you can hear in the following video, the dashcam resonates/vibrates at a certain engine RPM (around 4000): The car is a Golf GTI with a pretty loud exhaust and engine. Does anyone else have this problem too, is it normal? Thanks!
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    So I have been having issues with the Mini 806 for about 4 months. I bought it just over a year ago, and it seemed to work fine besides the magnetic filter vibrating in my car. Basically it turns off and on constantly when driving. Sometimes there is a mixture of on and off within a second...