1440p v 1080p @ 60FPS.


New Member
Jan 11, 2018
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United Kingdom
Sorry if this has already been discussed. But what do people think is the better setting on their dashcam? I've just bought a 412GW and I'm wondering as to which resolution is best, the 1440p @ 30FPS or the 1080P @ 60FPS.

Thanks in advance!
60fps will give a smoother picture but won't be as good in lower light situations, give the 1440 a try and see what you think, resolutions higher than 1080p30 can be difficult for some computers to playback smoothly, something to consider also should you need footage for evidence
I personally use 1440/30. Gives me more detail. At night you will not get 60 frames anyway, more like doubled 30.
Same here, I'm finding 1440 to be better.
1080p@60fps will look smoother, but 1440p@30fps will give you more detail, which means you will be able to see numberplates more clearly :)
I recommend 60 fps. It is always better to have as many pictures available as possible. It is my experience that 60 fps generally increase the likeliness that you will find some clear/sharp/detailed pictures in the footage that you can use as evidence.
I've used both extensively and for me the 1440 is sharper, even on my 24" 1080 monitor. Most noticeable on a freeze frame.

Switching between 30 and 60fps doesn't seem to make a visible difference to me regarding being smoother.
1440P is the winner here .

I'm perplexed as to why some people buy certain cameras with 1440P and set it to 1080 .

Again those who buy a camera with parking mode and don't use it !
In a retail park etc , a huge percentage of vehicle scuff damage is done in car parks at low speed .
You capture the very best footage because the camera is still and an offending vehicle is travelling 5mph or less .
I own 412GW and 512GW. I don't find NextBase parking mode useful for anything in the real world. It drains the tiny battery in zero time (especially if it is cold weather). The unit only starts recording a AFTER an event has happened (seconds later, and only after a hard bump). But it starts recording every time we close the doors. A nice feature on the paper, but it doesn't really work in everyday real life.

I think 1440p@30fps can be preferred if you just want some nice big wide footages of your road-trip, but based on my own real life experiences I have found that 1080p@60fps generally works best for pictures that can be used to e.g. see the face of the offending driver (for Police identification purpose) - and/or the license plate under low light conditions. 60fps give me less blur on each individual picture and twice the amount of pictures to study. In every case I have needed to use my videos for identification purposes, at least one of the cars has been moving (=more blur with 30fps than 60fps). So in my opinion and experience 60fps is generally best option if footages is to be used for security / identification purposes. However...Your mileage may vary.
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Very odd, mine at 1440 doesn't produce any blur.