2:4:1 letterbox mode?


New Member
Aug 31, 2018
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United Kingdom
When did they remove this option from the app/camera?

Noticed my videos have been looking poor quality in 2K.. then noticed the aspect ratio has changed to the 4:3.
Is this following a software update ?
I assume so.. only just noticed when I needed to download a video. It was the better aspect video quality wise, as I felt as it concentrated the bandwidth on a smaller / narrower area just where you need on a dash cam.
Hense I've not updated since the camera wake up post parking mode Auto shut down was introduced.

It works how I want it , not going to update , you don't know what you're getting !

I also use the cinema 2:4:1 as it cuts out unwanted sky and dashboard .
Hello friend, I checked both DDPai android app and iOS app, both can choose 2.4:1 , hence, can you check again ? if still doesn't work, can I know your APP version No?
iOS app version: 5.8.2
Both cameras firmware: v3.5.2.35
Hello friend, I checked video format under iOS5.8.2 & v3.5.2.35, I confirm both 16:9 and 2.4:1 are available, there's no problem, please could you try again?
Hello friend, I checked video format under iOS5.8.2 & v3.5.2.35, I confirm both 16:9 and 2.4:1 are available, there's no problem, please could you try again?

Hi.. it just isn’t an option in the menu at all. I’ve tried deleting the app and reinstalling but ends up the same..


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Hello friend, pls don't worry, I forwarded your screenshot image to DDPai engineer and will reply you a.s.a.p, I will definitely assist you to solve this problem :-)
Hello friend, I may know the reason, tested DDPai APP with iPhone X and the APP indeed doesn't show the option of video format, i.e. all full screen mobile phones play the video in full screen mode directly, thanks.
Doesn’t seem that way..


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