2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mode


New Member
Feb 3, 2013
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Montreal Quebec
Any one here have try this before

i like to try this put inside my car and truck bumper

2 or 3 - 48 LED illuminator light Infrared Night Vision automatic days and night mode

12 volt system

http://www.ebay.com/itm/170909297643 best price and feedback

we will see all license plate on the road at 100 degree

on parking mode you will have a real night vision

if you park your car for couple days inside your cab you have a 3$ switch 3 mode able to close 3, 2, 1
or all the light if you do not need

or you just leave 1 open on the switch it is automatic mode whend you are on day the light will turn off
like that you dont ask many energy from your car battery or if it to much energy ?

we need to test

and if it is not a good idee we put only on mode battery or plug the cable on the headlight system

remove your key volt cut off

so whend you drive during the days it plug on headlight but the sensor it off cause days ....

but in night it will open so no need to have switch inside the cab

sorry for my english

What do you think it that good idee or projet
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Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

1. If you try to order that IR projector you will get a notice that it is ITAR restricted and that you need to be a resident of the US. The IR board itself is not restricted (don't ask me why) and you can order it on its own.

2. Those IR boards glow red and will draw attention to your car.

3. Having the lights on all night without the motor running could be a drain on your battery.

I don't think it's a good idea.
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

ok thank for the information again

and waht abouth only one instal for you drive in real dark maybe it will help to have the reflection of a license plate ????
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

I don't know but I'd be interested in testing it out.
I have a couple of 48 IR LED boards at home and I may build a test rig for them. I'll try to get to it on the weekend but don't hold your breath as I barely have time to do anything I want.
I don't really expect a great result as the IR LEDs probably won't illuminate license plates any better than your headlights already do. Even in daylight, when the light comes from all directions and is hundreds of times more powerful than common artificial lighting systems, it's very hard to record license plates with any kind of clarity if the vehicles are moving.
If you get a chance to build and test a system before me, please post your results.
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo


ok thank you i will also try by my selft to see
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

That eBay item draws almost a half an amp. You don't want to leave that on when the car is not running.

To me, it is all too easy to buy junk LED products. Flashlights in the store, products on eBay, are mostly junk. You have to know what to look for.

Cree is the gold standard for making very bright LEDs. I don't know whether they make IR LEDs, but I would check, and if so I would only buy products which specify Cree.

There is a huge flashlight forum, which I've forgotten the name of, but it is full of fanatics and they will help you make the very best choice for something like this.
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

Quantum said:
Cree is the gold standard for making very bright LEDs.

keep in mind with anything that's the recognised leader you'll generally find a fake version on eBay for sale, buyer beware
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo


thank for the info,

by the way i am a local flashlight reseller, i will sent to you in private my link to show you my product i am not here to make money
but i am very open to give dealer product Cree Led, i have test by my self over 40 flahlights whend you have find the good seller and product it is amazing the result i have sell so many flaslight in 2 years everybody are happy whend have the good model batterie and charger
under 40$ i make kit that is 5 times a maglite

thank again
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

Well it is a little hard to understand you pasco2, but your latest post made me suspicious that you are just here to sell. Your eBay link is from HK, and you claim to be in Montreal. Hm.

Well I'm not the one who needs a flashlight, anyway. If you're just here gathering information, cool, but there are more credible ways to pitch your product. You just give an obscure link, and state no concrete link with Cree.
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

Hi no i am not here to sell my other tread about gs8000 i have put over 9 differente seller store i have put the uk link because big time on .com china seller are not there i dont no wy yes i am leaving montreal :D
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

I can confirm that pasco2's IP originates in Montreal. I imagine his first language is French not English.
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

hi yes french from Montreal Quebec :)
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

I think we're going to need to see pasco's passport and driver's license along with a video showing him speaking in French.
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

very funny :) it will be hard for me to use a vpn and have a perfect ip from Montreal server, lol
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

I hot glued the LED board to a clip and connected it to a cigarette lighter plug:



I went for a drive and tested it out. I held the LED board out the window and pointed it at objects in front of the car (you can see me bring in the LED board and wave it in front of the camera):

As you can see, the IR LEDs do absolutely nothing to enhance night video quality. I did another test with the lights completely off and the result was the same.
I expected the results to be crappy, but not this crappy.
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

not too surprised, I'm still amazed when people look at cams with 4 LEDs on the front and think that's a good thing, in my mind it takes away any credibility from the product
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

Ir-light don't differ from visible light except that you can't see it, that means if you plan to do something with ir-light you can imagine that you have visible light source, with that i mean that everybody understand that bunch of small leds don't give enough light, the fact that light is ir don't change that.
Just as in visible light, if you want light then you need a lots of power too, you can use couple of these and then you have lots of light, but then again, you use a lot of power and you drain your car battery very quick.
I have this one, and it gives ir-light just like any hi-power flashlight do, light bulb is visibly red so it can be seen in dark.
http://dx.com/p/high-powered-3w-infrare ... 8-4v-12625
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Infrare IR light video test

Hello Exmet thank you for your help

before jumping to conclusion too quickly I want to know if you have done the following test

take your cell phone put it to video mode and shoot your IR kit on the side froom abouth 10 feets

you are suppose to see a bleu beam or red

see if the system works properly video shoot is the number one rapid test cell phone because your brain
can not see the speed of this light ir as you already know also that way

you are able walking in a public place to find a hidden camera the same way to find ir you turn out the lights and look
every where with your cell you will find a blue or red beam of 5 to 20 feets

in a dark place where you have hidden camera no ir on it most of the time it is a lens with big aperture 1.8 F work on 1600 - 3200 ISO
very expensive system

ass soon i have receive my ir i will also try

thank you
Re: 2 kit 48 Infrare IR light Bumper project night vision mo

hi thank you for the link video good result

as soon that i have the ir i have order i will made my test to