512GB sdcard formatting

Gary D

Jun 8, 2016
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
United States
I just received a 512GB Viofo branded sdcard for use in the A229 Pro. Do I need to format this card in a specific way, or can I just shove it in the dash cam and use the cam's built-in format routine?
Unfortunately, that link appears to be outdated (and doesn't actually answer my question.)

Here's something a month newer (but still out of date): https://viofo.com/blog/how-to-format-the-micro-sd-card-b102.html.

Unlike the one you provided, the newer link discusses larger memory card sizes and the potential to format in exFAT instead of FAT32. Sadly, this newer article mentions several dashcams by model name, but doesn't mention the A229Pro.

Going to the A229 Pro support page also doesn't mention formatting.
...and before someone replies with RTFM...

The manual is confusing on the subject. On pages 9-10, it discusses formatting the card, but isn't clear on which filesystem to use, nor whether to format in the dashcam or computer.

Using a Windows computer, I can format to exFAT. Using my macbook, I can format to FAT32. I have no idea what the camera itself will use for a 512GB card.

I also don't know which format is preferable for the 512 GB card. That's why I posted the question here.
Format it in the camera.