622gw + Rear Camera Fitting Help


New Member
Jun 14, 2024
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United Kingdom
I have just bought a 622gw + rear camera package and its now been delivered, and

I am confident i wil have no issues fitting the front camera with the hardwire kit, however, i may have some issues fitting and cabling the rear

Upon checking many videos on how to route the cable from rear to front, every video I see seems to have plastic trim that can be removed to route through the rubber gromets and then into the car

My boot door trim is metal and there is no way that I can see to remove it

I have attached pictures, and im not sure if i can route the cable through the hole down to the rubber gromet/clip in the pics below

5.jpg 3.jpg4.jpg

Has anyone tried this with a similar car (Vauxhall Corsa 2020 elite nav premium) and had any success with fitting rear cam, or has any tips?

Thanks for any help


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It looks as though there might be enough room to thread the cable through the convoluted flexible rubber pipe leading from the car body to the hatchback.
Can you get to the cables leading into that pipe somewhere behind the roof headlining?
If so, try threading the dashcam cable through it.

To get from where the wires enter the hatchback to the hole where the wire comes out for the heated rear window, it will just be a case of trial, error, a lot of swearing and patience.
As a starter, I would try making up a flexible rod using a series of cable ties with the fastening ends cut off, joined together by insulation tape. Then thread the rod in from one hole and hope it curves around the angle and gets close to the other hole. Hopefully you can then fish it out of the other hole using a bent piece of wire like a coat hanger with a small hook on the end. You may need to twist the cable tie rod as you feed it through to encourage it to follow the curve in the hatchback panel.
If you do succeed in getting something flexible from one end to the other, yo can then tape the dashcam wire to it and carefully pull it through.

When you tape the dashcam plug to the flexible rod, make sure the plug is flat against the rod, with a bit of insulation tape acting as an angle between the end of the plug and the rod. This will help to stop the plug from snagging as you draw it through.

Good luck and let us know how you get on..
It looks as though there might be enough room to thread the cable through the convoluted flexible rubber pipe leading from the car body to the hatchback.
Can you get to the cables leading into that pipe somewhere behind the roof headlining?
If so, try threading the dashcam cable through it.

To get from where the wires enter the hatchback to the hole where the wire comes out for the heated rear window, it will just be a case of trial, error, a lot of swearing and patience.
As a starter, I would try making up a flexible rod using a series of cable ties with the fastening ends cut off, joined together by insulation tape. Then thread the rod in from one hole and hope it curves around the angle and gets close to the other hole. Hopefully you can then fish it out of the other hole using a bent piece of wire like a coat hanger with a small hook on the end. You may need to twist the cable tie rod as you feed it through to encourage it to follow the curve in the hatchback panel.
If you do succeed in getting something flexible from one end to the other, yo can then tape the dashcam wire to it and carefully pull it through.

When you tape the dashcam plug to the flexible rod, make sure the plug is flat against the rod, with a bit of insulation tape acting as an angle between the end of the plug and the rod. This will help to stop the plug from snagging as you draw it through.

Good luck and let us know how you get on..

Thank you very much for information and tips

I started earlier today and got the front cam done in about an hour (had to remove the whole glovebox to get near the fusebox lol

Now for the rear cam the real fun began, i made a makeshift cable tie "rod" as you suggested and after about an hour trying to get to down, round the curve and out to the bottom hole it just would not go

It felt like it was always stuck in the corner and something blocking it

So i routed the cable through the rubber hose by making a small hole at the rear and then managed to get it down through the other hose and into the car


From there it was a matter of routing the cable to the mount on the windscreen

Im going to mount a self adhesive cable clip as shown in the red circle to keep it in place then tidy the cable up

I do plan on getting some silicon adhesive to seal both sides where i made the hole so there is no water ingress

Im not sure how much the dashcam cable will hold up against so im thinking of getting some waterproof cable sheaths or heat shrinking tube to prevent any possible water damage
Glad you got it sorted.

The higher risk way of trying to get the cable through to the heated rear window slot would have been to attach some string to the heated rear window cable and then pull the heated rear window cable back to the main grommet. Attach the dashcam wire to that and then pull both back with the string.
But very risky if it gets jammed or the string detaches!! So I didn't suggest it.

Some heat shrink over the connector on the cable wouldn't be a bad idea unless you can get the connector on the inside of the vehicle. Then a bit of silicon sealer around the hole in the grommet and where the cable is passed through the seal on the hatchback.