770 - HDMI Out - How to make it work?


New Member
Sep 3, 2013
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United States
Dash Cam
ThinkWare F770

So ThinkWare F770 got 2 x micro HDMI Outputs (For front and rear camera?).

Is there any tick to make them work? I tried to hook up a monitor to it, but not much happend really. A couple of times the F770 rebooted itself. At one point the display "froze" with some artifacts on but didnt really have any liveview or anything like that.

Anybody tried to get it to work? Also tried to use the app on phone at the same time but nothing happend other than the app crash\freeze, so looks like it get some kind of signal through the port..
Hm maybe.

Would be awesome if the ports was videofeed though :p then I could connect a capture device to it. perhaps it would had better bitrate than what it writes to the SD card :p

Unlikely to happen I would think, if they're used for anything it's more likely it's just for live view for setting focus during production
Don't think the Micro SD card is really the limitation for bitrate, more to do with the processor
The socket in line with the reset button is the port we use to reflash a bricked unit. In all honesty not sure about the other one but Thinkware are certain there isn't any video output from the units.