A few questions from a new user...


New Member
Feb 18, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Hi! So I've replaced my batter with a super capacitor and am adjusting the config file so that "Power Off" is set to "0" for immediate shut-off. But I've noticed a few other things in the file...

The date shows 1/1/2013. Is there a way to update this, or since I'm using a capacitor, will it always reset back to this date when it powers off?

"Auto Record with External Power" is currently set to "0" for off. Shouldn't this be set to "1" so it starts recording when I start my car?

Also, I'm using a mac. When I started the GUI -- MobiusManagerV2 -- it says my firmware is out of date. I see this forum talks about using the GUI to update, if you're on windows... Is it worthwhile to update since I'm on a mac? And if so, what's the best way -- downloading the firmware to the SD card and updating via that method?

I'll do that to update the firmware, prob easier that way.

What about the date issue and whether I should set it to auto-record when powered on?
You only need to put the firmware on the SD card to update, no need to connect the camera or use any software.
Wait, what? Once it's on the SD card, it has to be uploaded to the camera, right? Or you mean no need to connect the camera...to the computer?
Once the firmware file is on the card it will be automatically updated the next time you put the card in your camera and turn it on. There's no need for a PC.
If you update the firmware using the Windows GUI it will keep all of your parameter settings. If you don't use the GUI the parameters will be set to their default values.
The Mac GUI will set the time and date in the SYSCFG.TXT file. You then have to use the Mode and Power button as described in the manual to instruct the firmware to read (and then delete) the settings file.
The Windows GUI communicates directly with the camera so there's no file involved. For this reason the time is set very accurately.
You can also edit the values in the SYSCFG.TXT yourself without a GUI, but this method is very error prone and you risk setting a parameter which won't work in combination with another parameter. If this happens the camera won't operate as you expect.
Awesome, thanks. I'll just borrow a Windows computer, should make it a LOT easier. :-)

My last question is whether I should set it to auto-record when powered on?

Thanks for all the help!
Yes if you want it to power on with your ignition.
Thanks, figured. :-) Any other settings defaulted to Off that I should turn on?
Yes, hover your pointer over each setting and it will tell what it does. @Isoprop made it very user friendly
Thanks, figured. :) Any other settings defaulted to Off that I should turn on?

Flip camera I think it is called Rotate video 180, set camera to the right lense, set desired FOV and power off disconnect immediate if you got capacitor.

Maybe i missed one


Yup and loop recording
"Right lens"? I see "Lens Type" with A, B, and C, but not "right lens." Am I staring right at it? :-P
"Right lens"? I see "Lens Type" with A, B, and C, but not "right lens." Am I staring right at it? :p

No "Right Lens. Mark the one you have`in your camera. A, B, or C.
FYI. A lens is almost flush to body. B and C sticks out more.
Ahh... I'm guessing you're talking about the Windows GUI. At the moment, I'm looking at the Mac one, which has different wording. But I see the option you're referring to. :)
Thank you all SO MUCH for the help. Isoprop's GUI made it incredibly easy to set things up. Now all I have to do it mount the sucker, run the wire around the car to the cig charger...and wait for some idiot to hit me! :-P