A119 mini randomly resets settings


New Member
Jul 18, 2022
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Hi all,

I'm new to this forum and red a couple of topics with user experience for purchasing my new Viofo dashcam, thanks for that.
So I recently bought the new A119 mini and hardwired it in my car and I'm using the parking mode. In the first weeks it worked perfectly fine. Only in the last ~week the dashcam have reset my user settings multiple times.
All settings are reset to factory. Only date and time are kept (excluding the right time zone). Because the dashcam is hardwired it is always on, when hearing the startup sound I know it has reset itself. One of the times I saw a yellow triangle on the display, but nothing else.
Today the settings were reset in the morning before leaving to work and in the afternoon when leaving work.

Some things I have thought about what might be causing it:
- I installed the firmware update v1.0_0621. Is it possible to downgrade to the old firmware to test?
- Temperature rised to 30 degrees celcius last days. However I have never mentioned it quit recording while driving.
- Dashcam is resetting when the hardwiring kit cuts the power in parking mode?

Any ideas?

Check motion settings.. my gf installed hers and played with motion setting and anytime she came to stop camera would do reboot sound when she moved again. She went back in and changed that and hasnt done it.