A119 mini vs A119 V3 some questions


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Aug 31, 2022
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I want to buy a Viofo camera, I have some questions.

1) Which camera consume less in parking mode timelapse A119 V3 or A119 mini (WiFi off)? Did anyone measured both? (I have only found measurements from different sources)

2) Can buffered mode be stopped to reduce power consumption?

3) Can I watch live stream from A119 mini from a Windows PC?

4) On A119 mini is there a timer after WiFi is automatically close? I have read it's 10 minutes. Do I need to go to car to start it again after 10 minutes?

5) Can bluetooth of A119 mini is just for making settings or you can transfer (download) video files and watch live streams?
1. Without actually checking the current versions with current firmware, I believe the V3 uses significantly less power than the Mini, not sure why, and it is possible that it is different with different firmware versions, but I would go with the V3 if you want single channel. If you want 2 channels then the 2 channel cameras do tend to use less than 2 single channel cameras.

2. You can use low bitrate mode instead, but that won't reduce power consumption. My recommendation is to choose your parking mode based on what you want it to do, the savings from changing parking mode are quite small, all modes are still reading the image sensor, all modes consume power. The timelapse mode uses least power, but it also records least evidence, and for me it is not a good compromise for a fairly small power saving.

3. Yes, it has an http server built in that gives you access to live video and playback of recorded video, that is how the mobile App accesses the camera. It is not very convenient to use, and you do need to connect your network card to the camera's network, which means you lose internet connection unless you have multiple network cards, but it can be done. Also note that the wifi range on dashcams is always pretty short, so while you will be able to connect within your garage, if the car is parked on the street and you want to connect from the other side of the house, it probably won't connect. There may be an rtsp stream available, I haven't checked on the Mini, but there is on most Viofo dashcams.

4. Yes. It will disconnect after a period of no connections, so as long as something stays connected, for example streaming the live view, then the wifi stays on.

5. Bluetooth is purely for the remote Bluetooth button, which allows you to lock the current video file without taking your eyes off the road and your hands away from your driving position. The mobile App uses wifi, not Bluetooth.
Amazing response. 10 out of 10 stars. Thank you. Now everything is clear in my head.
1.From my observation A119Mini in parking mode (1fps) consume around 290-320mA. Unfortunatly i have Seat (VAG) so i got error U140600 "Static current too high". According to few forums VAG has some (not all i guess) circuits under constant monitoring. On one hand it's good and avoid parasitic current draw. To be honest i don't know what circuit (Seat shop made it) was used for constant 12V but i will connect to different fuses (already purchase fuse cables). Power consumption during driving is higher due to GPS operation and more CPU power to record picture. It's around 500-600mA. Also HDR put additional power draw but it's margine.

Of course HK4 power supply has voltage switch and it's work well, but knowledge about this error drive me crazy.

2. As i stated above. HK4 has power limiter and it will prevent from killing battery. it works well (better than Mio). You can also set up time of working of parking mode.

3. Never used. :P

4. Fully agree with @Nigel

5. BT is only for emergency button.
Just to add. U140600 Static current too high is not showing immediately but after night of working parking mode. When Parking mode is off (via cellphone app) such error never appear. So clearly it's camera, which drawing even small amount of power but high enough to trigger such error. I will try to use Alarm Horn fuse, trailer and few others which are not in use but power is delivered. Also i'm not aware is it possible to change such value via VCDS or OBD11. Also no one can answer me does such checking are made on some specific circuits of car or directly via BMS (BEM) on battery terminals. ;)
Any update on this? I'm also seeing this fault in OBD11 on an Audi Q7 since fitting the A119 mini. I have it set to parking mode for 4 hours and cut off voltage is 12.2V. I used the permanent live on the passenger side dash (UK car) - not sure whether some fuses are monitored and others are not?

As an aside, Im also having issues with my drivers side mirror not unfolding when I first start the car. It works fine otherwise. Could be unrelated, but seems coincidental it started after fitting the dashcam.