A129 duo - Anyone knows how to save the clip manually from being overwritten or deleted


New Member
Oct 24, 2019
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United States
Hello All,

I am using an A129 duo front and rear dash camera; while the camera is recording, anyone knows how to save the clip manually from being overwritten or deleted.

Well, you can use the big button in the middle called "Video Protect" (round button with exclamation mark).

But if I recall correctly it will be overwritten after some time anyway, when the camera reaches to the point where a SD is full of protected recordings, so everything you really want to spare you better save it elsewhere (after you get home).
Use the manual event button as explained by Nath, that will put the file in the RO ( Read Only ) folder.
That folder will eventually also overwrite the old stuff if full, but with a sensible size memory card ( 128 GB at least for a system like that ) and nothing other spamming that RO folder it will be there for weeks / months.
I use that approach myself and only retrieve footage from the RO folder once a month and i only copy the files, and i have yet to see that RO folder recycle, though in all fairness i do use a 256 GB memory card.
but i only generate 5 - 10 manual events a month, and thats barely making a dent in the RO folder, and my SG system save much more than the A129 duo do as the SG cameras save two segments ( 3 minute in my case ) for every press of the button, and then as it is a dual channel camera thats X2, so i get 4 X 3 minutes saved with a press of the event button, the viofo as i recall only save the current file being recorded, in that case if thats 3 minutes too it will just put 2 X 3 minutes in the RO folder,,,, one file from each camera.

I think it might be a dynamic sized RO folder, so if it is hit hard it can also grow larger, but you should not use things that would do that,,,,, like having G sensor on while driving.

Play around with your system and see what you get, fake some events.
I have made it a habit to say why i press the button when i do so, cuz weeks later it can be hard to recall why, so the audio track will tell.
This could for example be ( press button ) wait a few seconds to have clear audio for upload, and then say for instance "idiot in red corolla run red light"
Well, you can use the big button in the middle called "Video Protect" (round button with exclamation mark).

But if I recall correctly it will be overwritten after some time anyway, when the camera reaches to the point where a SD is full of protected recordings, so everything you really want to spare you better save it elsewhere (after you get home).
Thank you, Nath; I will check it out.
Use the manual event button as explained by Nath, that will put the file in the RO ( Read Only ) folder.
That folder will eventually also overwrite the old stuff if full, but with a sensible size memory card ( 128 GB at least for a system like that ) and nothing other spamming that RO folder it will be there for weeks / months.
I use that approach myself and only retrieve footage from the RO folder once a month and i only copy the files, and i have yet to see that RO folder recycle, though in all fairness i do use a 256 GB memory card.
but i only generate 5 - 10 manual events a month, and thats barely making a dent in the RO folder, and my SG system save much more than the A129 duo do as the SG cameras save two segments ( 3 minute in my case ) for every press of the button, and then as it is a dual channel camera thats X2, so i get 4 X 3 minutes saved with a press of the event button, the viofo as i recall only save the current file being recorded, in that case if thats 3 minutes too it will just put 2 X 3 minutes in the RO folder,,,, one file from each camera.

I think it might be a dynamic sized RO folder, so if it is hit hard it can also grow larger, but you should not use things that would do that,,,,, like having G sensor on while driving.

Play around with your system and see what you get, fake some events.
I have made it a habit to say why i press the button when i do so, cuz weeks later it can be hard to recall why, so the audio track will tell.
This could for example be ( press button ) wait a few seconds to have clear audio for upload, and then say for instance "idiot in red corolla run red light"
I do use a 128 GB memory card. I will check on it as Nath pointed out.
This doesn’t seem to match my experience, regarding protected files sticking around for awhile

On Sunday I did a manual event, two files were in the RO folder on the Sunday evening when I copied them

On Monday evening I checked the sdcard again and there were no files in the RO folder, I had not created any manual events in between Sunday and Monday

The sdcard is 128gb, it’s already full and looping old recordings

Do parking recordings count towards the RO space?

A protected file should remain that, protected until the user deletes the protected file irrespective of how much space remains on the sdcard
A protected file should remain that, protected until the user deletes the protected file irrespective of how much space remains on the sdcard
you either have to do one of two things, set a limit to how much space is allowed for saved files before recycling files in that folder, or set a hard limit for how many files can be saved, after which files won't get write protected so not saved, if you just allow saved files to keep building up eventually the camera will not be able to recycle any files and you'll have no new recordings, can't just leave it to save as many as the user wants, some people are lazy and don't clean old files off
Admittedly I don’t know how other cameras handle it, but something along the lines of % space reserved for RO files which can be adjusted by the user with a hard maximum defined by the vendor. This space can’t be used by normal loop recording, if the RO space is full then when a new manual event is initiated it can overwrite the oldest file

I had no other saved files other than those two manual ones (front and rear) and they’ve been eventually overwritten by the normal loop recording

Does the Viofo count parked files the same as RO files? In which case would make sense why my RO files were overwritten as it’s been capturing a lot of events when I had parked in the driveway instead of inside the garage
On Sunday I did a manual event, two files were in the RO folder on the Sunday evening when I copied them

On Monday evening I checked the sdcard again and there were no files in the RO folder, I had not created any manual events in between Sunday and Monday
Are you sure that you did not accidentally move rather than copy them?

Perhaps you could create another manual event to see if this happens again?
Pretty sure

I formatted the card last night via the camera so I’ll try a manual event and see what happens
I formatted the card the other day, via the camera

Not even 24 hours later, and not even a full sd card and the locked files I created 30/06/21 at 16:38 are gone

Screenshot from yesterday:

Screenshot from today:
There's still 140GB free, I didn't copy/move/touch those files.. just conneted to the camera to take before/after screenshots.

Yeah, pretty much the same story, no files in the RO dir

I'm just shifting all the files off it now to run h2testw to make sure its not a bad sdcard.. though I bought it from reputable retailer so I can't imagine its fake
2.3 didn't work, the locked files were gone after 24 hours despite there being 215gb free that time

They've provided me with another firmware with the following comment:
This problem may be caused by the inappropriate proportion of the RO file.

We designed the attached firmware to fix this issue. Could you please download and update the firmware to have a try?

This was just as I got home after buying a 256gb Samsung Evo Plus SD Card to rule out the Sandisk as the issue ^_^

Have to give them credit for their responsiveness on their community forum though
Hello All,

I am using an A129 duo front and rear dash camera; while the camera is recording, anyone knows how to save the clip manually from being overwritten or deleted.


Downgrade to firmware version 1.5. It is the most reliable version. You'll notice zero issues and I believe your dilemma will be resolved. As I don't recall emergency files getting overwritten in this version.