A129 Duo keeps randomly beeping


New Member
Jan 16, 2019
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United States
So after trying 3 different SD cards and multiple versions of the firmware I think my problem is the rear camera. I unplugged it today and no random beeping. Couple of things that are strange though. I didn't have the issue until I upgraded to the 2.x firmware. Was working fine before that. The rear camera displays an image and records. The recordings are strange though. Sometimes the length is 3 seconds, sometimes 3 minutes and sometimes it's somewhere in-between (while driving). It also randomly creates a bunch of locked files and a bunch of different length parking files. Again, another problem I didn't have until after the firmware upgrade. The recording problems seem to be resolved by unplugging the rear camera.

Is the rear camera broken even though it appears to be working? Or is this an issue with the front facing camera? Any thoughts on how to resolve this? I can't go without a rear camera because it saved me from a hit and run and $5000 in damages that I didn't have to put thru my insurance.
Could be the rear camera or cable.

Have you tried installing your previous firmware to see if things go back to normal?

When you updated the firmware, did you then manually default the cameras settings through the menu, then press and hold the hard reset button on the side of the camera for about 5 seconds? Do so if you did not.
Could be the rear camera or cable.

Have you tried installing your previous firmware to see if things go back to normal?

When you updated the firmware, did you then manually default the cameras settings through the menu, then press and hold the hard reset button on the side of the camera for about 5 seconds? Do so if you did not.
Yes I tried f/w 1.9, 2.1, 2.3 and 2.4. I did find a post where someone mentioned that you can't go back to 1.x after updating to 2.x. So when 1.9 didn't work I didn't try any others. 1.9 was where it was at when everything last worked. Yes I defaulted the camera several times and held down the hard reset for at least 5 seconds, a couple of times.

Yeah, could definitely be the camera or cable but it just seems odd that I didn't start having problems until firmware 2.x. It obviously could just be a coincidence.
I'm facing the same issue after I have upgraded my cam from 1.9 to 2.2 and later to 2.4.
I have my cam hardwired with the original Viofo kit that comes with the cam since I perches it , and was working without any issue before upgrade.
Now when dashcam is in parking mode and after a time, the recording light will start flashing and cam beeping until I will turn car one then after almost 2 minutes the beeping voice will gone and cam will start working again.
The main issue is when the car is parked over night, the next day the cam will be off and it won't come on even after turning the car on. I have to take the power cable off the cam and plagued back to make the com working again.
I have did all the recommended rest after upgrading (resting the cam after it start and then pressings the rest button to do hard rest).
I have tried different types of SD cards from Samsung and Sandisk, the current one in use is 128 Sandisk FAT32. I have unplugged the rear cam also but nothing looks have solved the issue.
Is there any idea why this is happening?