A139 Pro 2CH Issue


New Member
Jul 10, 2023
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United States
It was connected and recording earlier, then I turned the A139 to take off the interior camera and readjust the lens.

But no I can no longer get the 2CH to connect and record. I've unplugged/replugged back in, restarted, held the triangle w/! to turn on/off and can not get it to connect. Is there something I'm missing?
What do you mean exactly " I turned the A139 to take off" ?
What other advice ? exclusion method
Try to test another cable ? Bad conector ? Test other front cam ?
EDIT 1: nterior camera and readjust the lens is a rather non-standard operation. What do you mean by readjust ? - Normally nothing is adjusted ...
EDIT 2: Excessive rotation of the front camera lens will damage the unit --- this is indicated in the instructions
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What do you mean exactly " I turned the A139 to take off" ?
What other advice ? exclusion method
Try to test another cable ? Bad conector ? Test other front cam ?

I powered off the main camera unit, then after it was off I disconnected the interior camera to adjust the lens on the interior camera. Prior to that the 2CH was working fine, but now it doesn't

I don't have another cable to test it but I'll buy another one and give it a go to see if that is the issue. The connectors on both the main camera and interior camera look good with no damage to them.

I don't have another camera to connect and test. All it is, is the A139 PRO main camera (which works fine) and the interior camera which I'm having problems reconnecting.
It was connected and recording earlier, then I turned the A139 to take off the interior camera and readjust the lens.

But no I can no longer get the 2CH to connect and record. I've unplugged/replugged back in, restarted, held the triangle w/! to turn on/off and can not get it to connect. Is there something I'm missing?
Is there a voice notification or beep when you plug in the interior camera? It is better to connect the wifi and check the live view to confirm if the camera can detect the interior camera when you plug it in. If there is no reaction after you plug it in, then you may need to change the interior cable to have a try. Please also shake the cable slightly to confirm if it can be detected.