A139 pro is it as good as.........


Sep 1, 2022
Reaction score
United Kingdom
i currently own a blackvue dr750x plus 2ch setup installed in a mercedes cla (uk) i recently watched a review of 4k dashcams and this viofo has now been popping up everywhere for me as the dog's danglies of 4k dashcams.
Is the dashcam as good as all the reviews make out, i am 75% leaning towards dumping my blackvue's for the a139 pro, would i be disappointed if i were to swap?
I can only recommend the A139 Pro in 1-channel configuration.
If you can wait til October something better might come along.
What review did you watch, (link please)?
thanks for the reply, i have watched too many reviews now :)
vortex radar

and many more

why only 1 ch config?
why only 1 ch config?
1.) Maximum image quality
2.) Increased reliability
3.) Reduced risk of recording malfunctions

Here’s 3 more reviews. lol

Similar here. I have a Blackvue DR900S-2CH and changed cars this week so removed it from my old car and thought about upgrading instead of installing it in the new car. I was thinking about getting the DR770X-2CH or DR970X-2CH and then saw the Vortex video on YouTube comparing the DR970X with the A139 Pro and the Viofo seemed to come out on top.

Before buying I decided to have a little look around and found quite a few issues so it looks like I’m back with Blackvue.
I don't think you'll see many posts of people talking good about the camera. It's not in human's nature to take the trouble and effort to post positive things. The vast majority comes to these forums to answer their own questions or to report issues.

I only joined the forum to ask questions before buying the A139 Pro and then to post a couple of issues I was having with it.

After a month or two of non issues, I did take the time to post my opinion about it but I admit I was hesitant because "what if it breaks next week? I'll look like a dummy".

However, precisely because of what I said in the first paragraph, I felt it was fair to share the positive experience too.

Is it a perfect device? Nope. I still would like to see some issues resolved and some implementations done. Parking mode could be better for example, the impact sensor much more sensitive while stationary, the woman living inside the dashcam could be more helpful, etc etc but overall, right now, it does what it was meant to do: record 24/7 with stunning quality. I had to compromise with time-lapse in parking mode but maybe that will be resolved one day.

I didn't go with blackvue because of image quality or anything like that. I don't agree on the cloud approach and that's what ultimately drew me away.

Anyway, just an opinion. It's worth exactly what you paid for it.
I don't think you'll see many posts of people talking good about the camera. It's not in human's nature to take the trouble and effort to post positive things. The vast majority comes to these forums to answer their own questions or to report issues.

I only joined the forum to ask questions before buying the A139 Pro and then to post a couple of issues I was having with it.

After a month or two of non issues, I did take the time to post my opinion about it but I admit I was hesitant because "what if it breaks next week? I'll look like a dummy".

However, precisely because of what I said in the first paragraph, I felt it was fair to share the positive experience too.

Is it a perfect device? Nope. I still would like to see some issues resolved and some implementations done. Parking mode could be better for example, the impact sensor much more sensitive while stationary, the woman living inside the dashcam could be more helpful, etc etc but overall, right now, it does what it was meant to do: record 24/7 with stunning quality. I had to compromise with time-lapse in parking mode but maybe that will be resolved one day.

I didn't go with blackvue because of image quality or anything like that. I don't agree on the cloud approach and that's what ultimately drew me away.

Anyway, just an opinion. It's worth exactly what you paid for it.

I read your thread and it sounded pretty horrendous but it seems you finally got it sorted.

You are right, reviews tend to be mostly negative because people don’t generally post if they are happy with the product. It all needs to be taken in perspective. No product is perfect.

After reading your thread through to the end I feel a little happier that perhaps the A139 Pro is the way to go.
I read your thread and it sounded pretty horrendous but it seems you finally got it sorted.

You are right, reviews tend to be mostly negative because people don’t generally post if they are happy with the product. It all needs to be taken in perspective. No product is perfect.

After reading your thread through to the end I feel a little happier that perhaps the A139 Pro is the way to go.

Just keep a sandisk extreme at hand and stay away from AED mode while parked. you'll be fine. :)
I switched from my Blackvue DR-900S-1CH back in March to the A139 Pro 1CH and it's been good for me. There was a weird pixelated video problem at night with HDR, but their support site was very responsive and it turned out to be an early firmware issue. Since then I've had no issues and I've not had any problems seeing all my videos in the app (1min/4K/max bitrate/H.265). It does seem that 1CH users have not reported issues like the multi-CH folks here.

Also make sure you use one of the recommended card types as there have been quite a few problem reports from folks who were not and they reported fine after switching to a recommended card. I use a 256GB SanDisk Max Endurance (not 512GB).
I switched from my Blackvue DR-900S-1CH back in March to the A139 Pro 1CH and it's been good for me. There was a weird pixelated video problem at night with HDR, but their support site was very responsive and it turned out to be an early firmware issue. Since then I've had no issues and I've not had any problems seeing all my videos in the app (1min/4K/max bitrate/H.265). It does seem that 1CH users have not reported issues like the multi-CH folks here.

Also make sure you use one of the recommended card types as there have been quite a few problem reports from folks who were not and they reported fine after switching to a recommended card. I use a 256GB SanDisk Max Endurance (not 512GB).
Thanks for the info. Yes, it does seem like all the issues are with the multi camera setups but front and rear is what I need. I’ve ordered an A139 Pro 2-CH with one of their cards, although it is branded Integral not Viofo own brand and not in their recommended list, it is from the Viofo UK website so I have to assume it will be suitable.

I’ve used Blackvue cameras for the past 7 years without any issues but the image quality of this Viofo seems to be much better which is why I’ve decided to switch. I’ll see how it goes.
Viofo UK website so I have to assume it will be suitable
Viofo UK is simply a retailer.
Same with Viofo Benelux of the Netherlands.
They also sell incompatible SD Cards with Viofo cameras.
Neither is the "official" Viofo manufacturer.
This is the official Viofo website;
SanDisk Extreme seems to be the way to go.
I only use a 32GB right now with only 14 GB paritioned to record 30 minutes, looping with 1min loops.
Front + rear, no issues within the first good week of usage.
I plug the camera in, when getting into the car (little skoda, cigarette plug is always active) and either keep it running for parking mode (30 min timer, for grocery shopping etc) or unplug it.

I've set a reminder in my calendar in 3 months to report back.
Positive posts are very much needed in general. But yeah, barely anyone makes one.
About my "negative" posts:
They were all about not knowing that the Viofo cams only lock videos until the locked videos folder takes up 30-40% of space.
From there, the next locking trigger will overwrite the oldest locked video, not the oldest non-locked video!
This created all kinds of "weird bugs when using a small partition due to data protection laws".
But it turns out my A139 Pro had no bugs at all.

The only thing I'll need to find out is how to get the meta data times, file name time and video footage time to match.
But the time in the footage is always correct, so I didn't bother yet...
The only thing I'll need to find out is how to get the meta data times, file name time and video footage time to match.
But the time in the footage is always correct, so I didn't bother yet...
Have you checked that there is a problem? The only times I've noticed them not match is when the clock has recently been adjusted, after a reboot they match again. In my case the time can get adjusted by connecting the wifi since my phone is set to a different time zone and the wifi connection tries to synchronise the times.
Mine has been excellent. I've never used a Blackvue though.