ABC (HK) / CBT (HK) / DVR China on Aliexpress - China


Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
ABC (HK) CO on Aliexpress is a vendor that sells Chinese dash cams only (no Korean or Taiwanese dash cams). There ads have been inaccurate in the past and they have sold some fake products. Not all the products they sell are fake so you need to be careful when purchasing from them. There have been some reports that when a problem arises, such as a defective dash cam, they are not the best at resolving the problem. They might deny it exists or blame the purchaser.

Overall their prices are competitive but take care when making a purchase from them.

If you have any positive or negative experiences with this vendor, please share it here.

Dash Cam Man
Re: ABC (HK) CO on Aliexpress - China

I have done some more research on ABC (HK) Co on Aliexpress. Apparently this company sells under a variety of names.

They also sell under CBT (HK) LTD and DVR China Industries.

There office address is:
12A, A of Building 2
JinChengShiDai JiaYuan
LuoTian Road
The center of BaoAn
ShenZhen, China

Manager : Bella (Zhu Jinfeng)

They are an exporter, not a manufacturer and they focus on selling the cheapest dash cams, many of which are fakes. Some of the items are reputable but they have in the past sent fake products while the ad indicated it was a real version. If you are interested in purchasing from this vendor, make sure it is a product with a lot of sales that has positive feedback.

Dash Cam Man
I have had great sucess with most suppliers on Ali Express, however CBT (Bella Zhu) is a different story. My first Camers, GS 1000 ($88.99) failed after 10 months. I asked several time where to send it for warranty repair but just got a run around and never got a return address. I bought a second GS 1000 without GPS. It shuts off after about a minute. I asked for help and sent in all my settings to see if that was the problem. They would never answer the simple question. They just asked for more and more video's etc. Finally I got fed up and asked for an address to return it to. This is the exact response I received "(Friendship prompt: hope buyer can sent ours product, if buyer sent other goods not ours, when we get it, we will treat it as rubbish and dont sent any thing to buyer, and we will complaint to aliexpress. so please confirm it is ours product.thank you very much .)" My interpretation is --Send it back we will say it is not ours and report it to Ali Express" I noticed on Youtube videos of taken of the unpacking of cameras from CBT. I suspect for the above reason. By the way the one I received was a fake. Even at that it would have been a good buy if it worked. Any suggestions as to a good supplier may be. I still want a working camera with GPS.