Accident - explaining video

Quite wide field of view makes it appear as if the objects aren't moving as quickly relative to you.
Measure time vs road markings, posts, trees etc to calculate real speed.
You can't turn the camera off while it has ACC power, key off and it goes to parking mode and you can turn the camera off then by pressing and holding the power button
It might also be helpful to enable precise time display in your video player, if it isn't already, for example mpc-hc can display time with millisecond precision.
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Quite wide field of view makes it appear as if the objects aren't moving as quickly relative to you.
Measure time vs road markings, posts, trees etc to calculate real speed.

Thank you for that. After reviewing the video I will not be able to determine the speed because he accelerates again before hitting me so that throws off the calculation. I will let the PD figure that out on their own.

I should be fine with reminding my insurance of how the FoV distorts our perception.
If you zoom the video in a bit then you can make it look like how it would have looked in real life, but you should also supply the original video file if there is any legal action.
The real speeds can be calculated from how long it takes vehicles to pass road markings.
You might want to retain a copy, unaltered for your protection.
The police will expend enough time looking at the video to determine FAULT.
Easy Peasy.
Your insurance may be interested in minimizing their LOSS.
You might want to employ an outside EXPERT to analyze the video if your insurance doesn't come through.
Get the whiplash checked, PERIOD.
Do get the whiplash checked with xrays. Watch and get your back and neck checked out as the days go by if anything seems sore or in pain. Sometimes what feels like minor whiplash can turn out to involve lower back and neck issues that many be long term problems. If the opposing insurance company wants to talk to you, refuse. Only deal with your insurance company or your attorney.