Advanced Buffered Parking Mode


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Jan 23, 2021
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I have in the car where 3 Wire ACC Hardwire Kit HK3 Cable is connected, an external GPS module, the DVR goes in and out of parking mode but when parking there is a record with a mark P ON the microSD memory card AND NOT IN the BUFFER. DVR Such Settings Parking Mode Automatic Event Detection Parking G-sensor with high sensitivity Parking Motion Detection Medium Sensitivity Slow Motion Recording Is Disabled Motion Detection Is Disabled GPS Enabled Unit of speed measurement KM / H The low sensitivity of G-sensor what's wrong? how to configure it to write to the buffer and not to the microSD card, write the recommended settings for buffer recording in steps, Thank you very much waiting for help
I think the problem is that your settings are too sensitive. If you use parking mode with Parking Mode G-Sensor enabled or Parking Mode Motion Detection enabled, the camera records to buffer constantly. If an event is detected in G-Sensor or Motion, that meets your sensitivity setting, then the file will be written to disk with a "P" appended to the end.

Because you are reporting that you do see these "P" parking mode files, it means the camera has experienced an event that it believes matches your sensitivity setting. Try lowering the Parking Mode Motion Sensitivity, Parking Mode G-Sensor Sensitivity, or both settings, test for a few days, and then let us know how it went. If you are on "High", then try "Medium". If you are on "Medium", then try "Low".
friends can you put everything on a low level? and you will get the same result ,that on medium and high just write in the parking mode. the adjustment levels are not what they do not do . so the parking mode does not work as stated
my opinion is that most tinctures do not work as they should. as in all modes, everything is unchanged. I checked it out
Motion detect in dashcams are generally regarded as a flawed mode of parking guard, most often at least in a place like a busy mall parking lot it will be recording all the time, and so also generate MAX heat which on a summer day can be a issue.
G-sensor i like and it can work fine, so say a kick of your car wheel will set it off, but this also vary much between camera brands how well it is set up in regard to how sensitive it is.
Personally i would like it so sensitive that if you are parked alongside a road with traffic, a bus or truck passing by will set off a false event recording, but i dont think G- sensor will ever be useful against the smallest of things.
say a person run a key or knife down the side of your car, that are preacitcally a 0 G event, the only reason as to why things like tesla cars will catch something like that is that motion detect ( human shape detect ) will be the trigger not the actual deed.
But AI smart motion detect like you also see in many CCTV cameras you do not find in dashcams which still rely on a very basic change in contrast motion detect ( well i think thats how they do it )

Motion detect in my CCTV cameras ignore dogs and cats passing by, and even humans and cars outside of the event box i have specified.

My parking mode are always recording low bitrate + G - sensor on too, though if it have been triggered i will probably also see that when i return to my car.

I have also requested glass break sensor / audio trigger as that might actually pick up something like a person keying your car, but technically that are not a option in current dashcam hardware.
as I understand that changes to the settings of the dachik record will be all the time as well as on high . how is it so arranged in kaier by the manufacturer?
I do not have the A119 V3 camera, so unsure what the options are in it for parking mode.
I was talking in general above.

In Israel where i assume it can get really hot, i would assume parking guard will be problematic as least if your car are parked outside in the sun.
Using parking guard is also new to me as only lately have i been sent a test camera where it is a option to test, normally i would not bother with parking guard but as it is a test camera i must of course also test this part of the camera.
And while i did get the camera last summer it was in the back end of summer, and we had none of the really hot days, which in Denmark are just 30 deg C, still i would assume on such a day the camera would shut down due to heat.

As our American friend say above, if you have too many parking events your only option is to lower the sensitivity setting to low, but i am afraid it will still record a lot as i explained above.

The street Guardian camera i am using with parking mode, have time lapse recording ( 1-2-5-10 frames per second ) or low bitrate always recording which are just 4 mbit VS the normal recording of 20 mbit, so a lot smaller files and power used / heat generated while parked.
Still using low bitrate parking mode the camera use 2 GB of memory space for each 10 minutes it is parked, but this is also a 2 channel camera i have, so 2 X more data than if it was a regular 1 channel system, so in my case i get a 108 MB file ( 3 minutes long ) from each camera, so in total the memory use are 216MB every 3 minutes of parking.
In comparison the normal recording files as i recall are about 400 MB in size for each camera, so driving my memory space usage are 800 MB every 3 minutes.
I use a 256 GB memory card, but i also have a timer going so parking mode are just on for 1 hour after i park my car.

Low bitrate recording or time lapse both use about the same amount of power and generate the same amount of heat in the camera, both important things if you want to do parking mode with a dashcamera.
The good thing to me is low bitrate recording also have sound, something you do not have if you use time lapse.

In general you should not use too small memory card, i recommend 64GB at the very least for a 1 channel system, but 128GB would be ideal, with a 1 channel system this will give you many hours of footage and if you are driving normally you will have several days of footage on your memory card.

A large memory card get even more important if you use parking guard, event files are permanently saved so take away from the storage space for regular driving files, so if you have a 32 GB card and 20 of the GB are event files you just have 12 GB for regular driving files, in which case you just have minutes or 1 hour of driving saved.
So it is important to make sure you do not have unneeded event files created, which motion detect sadly often do in dashcams, and so why many of us dont recommend to use that mode for parking guard.
Parking Mode Auto Event Detection
Parking G-sensor Low sensitivity
Parking Motion Detection Low sensitivity
Time-Lapse Recording Off
Motion Detection Off
Speed Unit KM/H
G-Sensor Low sensitivity I changed the parameters but the recording goes to the map .
it seems to me that changing from high to low .does not there is no change. someone can check it out and let me know. how I downgraded everything in soih settings . the result is zero