Aliexpress is owned by Alibaba buy at your own risk


Mar 1, 2013
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Aliexpress is owned by Alibaba.
Purchase at your own risk. I've been stung by both and only recently discovered that Aliexpress is owned by Alibaba.

Once they were ok but in recent times they have far to many traders that are crooks. There is no other word for it.
Below are some links about what has happened to many people that have bought from traders
on these two sites. ... om-a-scam/ ... ndal_china ... hp?t=49557 ... -c204b.htm ... -websites/
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Thank you for the heads up and hopefully people will be reading this Forum before buying from them.

I am also having a problem with AliExpress and even if the dispute is escalated there is no response from then.
They say two days for dispute feedback, however 12 days have been passed since I escalated the dispute and no response at all and there is no way to contact then as well.
Hawk600 said:
Thank you for the heads up and hopefully people will be reading this Forum before buying from them.

I am also having a problem with AliExpress and even if the dispute is escalated there is no response from then.
They say two days for dispute feedback, however 12 days have been passed since I escalated the dispute and no response at all and there is no way to contact then as well.

Like the dashcam talk chap says. Some vendors are ok but many are not ok. Its when you have problems the sky starts to fall in so to speak.
I've been burnt on both. Only had one ok experience but when you need help forget about it.

Best to buy from your own country or a western country where there are fair trading laws.
I don't think these two sites were that bad when they first started but gone down hill very fast in the last couple of years.

Word will eventually get out to avoid these sites. They'll probably set up another similar site and start over as a new company.
Think I'm done with buying anything out of China. Yes they are cheap but its when things go wrong it becomes a never ending nightmare.

Maybe you should say that you've started up a thread in here. Maybe then they'll act and get your problem sorted out.

Sooner or later the tv news media will have a story on this along with magazine and news on line sites.
The police could get involved and put a news warning out. They do it for other such sites.