Android issues

Oct 7, 2013
Reaction score
Inside the Beltway
United States
I used the Windows GUI briefly; it worked. Someone mentioned an Android version.

I looked and did not find any thread discussing the GUI & Androids.

I've been offered a no-name tablet running some older version of Android. How do I find out about the GUI, and what it needs in hardware/OS? How do I use the tablet as a viewer? Will I need a special cable, etc?

I found this FAQ but no discussion beyond that.

If you read the faq page you posted, you would have answered your questions. It has links, even video on how to use the gui.

You need an OTG cable, the app from google play, and a device that supports host usb. Other than that, that's it. Follow the online faq, and you won't have problems.

Android Buying Tips:
  1. If you are shopping for an Android device, as with many other types of products, you have the choice between brand name products and lower cost products.
  2. Many (but not all) lower cost products support Host USB and have a USB OTG Adapter included. Although they may be financially attractive, they are not suitable for everyone. If you are technically proficient, they may well be a good choice; but if you are not, you might be better off going for brand name products.
  3. In any case, if you intent to run aMCA/ExtCam apps on your device, make sure it does support Host USB (as per Steps 1 and 2 of theseinstructions); also make sure Google Play Store is installed and working.
  4. Most lower cost tablets are missing USB Authorizations even if they support Host USB. That problem can be fixed using Step 3 of theseinstructions. If you are technically proficient, it should not be a problem; otherwise it may well be mission impossible.
  5. The bottom line ? If you are technically proficient, you can probably afford to buy a lower cost product and invest a few hours to get it working right; if you are not, it may be wise to go for a brand name product.
I'm not buying one, I have an offer of one I know nothing about. How do I ascertain if it supports this app?

Since I know zip about Androids in general, many of the FAQ answers are less than illuminating.
I've been offered a no-name tablet running some older version of Android
I'm not buying one, I have an offer of one I know nothing about. How do I ascertain if it supports this app?

The "no name" Android tablets are everyware. I have seen them at electronic expos retail stores and closeout stores they can of course be a little hit or miss.

The first place to starts is that they should or could have some sort of name and model number on the box or device It's probably something you have never herd of, but it's a start. A close out store in my area sells something called The d2 Pad witch i have never even herd of before.

Secondly if you have access to the actual device there should be a settings menu witch would contain About This Device showing some sort of model number and android version. once you have a model number hopefuly you can find some information.

Some older or cheaper devices are stuck around 2.0 or 2.2 I can not find a minimum version on the FAQ page though.
Some older or cheaper devices are stuck around 2.0 or 2.2 I can not find a minimum version on the FAQ page though.

I'm told it's a real no-name, not a not-famous name. The donor said he thought it was 2.2, but I'll know when it gets here. Your remark above echos my question: what version does the app need?
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FYI: it's a:

Android Tab10
Version 2.3 2011 -12-10
Kernel version

The surprise is the USB jacks are masters; the Mobius talks to it & we can watch its MOV files.

Edited to add:
Finally found this line that dooms the project:
    • App Installation:
      • Requirement: Phone/tablet running Android 4.x and supporting the Host USB feature.
Oh well...
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My whole goal was to use this tablet to aim the camera during setup. In line with that & the above, what kind of app do I need to view the camera output aka webcam? I've looked through the apps on it & don't find a viable one so far. The tablet beeps when I hit the shutter button, so I assume it sees it...