another A229 Pro question - wifi xfer to PC

Gary D

Jun 8, 2016
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
United States
I can enable Wifi on the A229 Pro. That creates a wifi access point that I can connect to with my phone, and then use the Viofo app on my phone to download videos from the cam to my phone...

Is it possible to connection to that same access point from a PC and download the same videos? I realize there's not a fancy app for it, but I'd just need to get a list of files on the cam and then some mechanism to transfer them.
I've not tried it on the A229 Pro, but I expect that if you use your web browser and go to http:\\192..... then you will find your list of files and clicking on them will download them...

You can also get the live video by going to your video player and entering rtsp:\\192....
I've not tried it on the A229 Pro, but I expect that if you use your web browser and go to http:\\192..... then you will find your list of files and clicking on them will download them...

You can also get the live video by going to your video player and entering rtsp:\\192....
thank you. I'll try it out tonight.
Let us know how you get on, would be good to know that it works on the A229 Pro.

If the rtsp live video stream doesn't work, there is also an http video stream.

Obviously put the full camera ip address in, I think it will be

I think you can also use the dashcam in station mode to join your home network instead of access point mode if that is more convenient. Probably not what you want since that is not how the app works, but it is an option.
Let us know how you get on, would be good to know that it works on the A229 Pro.

If the rtsp live video stream doesn't work, there is also an http video stream.

Obviously put the full camera ip address in, I think it will be

I think you can also use the dashcam in station mode to join your home network instead of access point mode if that is more convenient. Probably not what you want since that is not how the app works, but it is an option.
I'm not really interested in the live stream. (This would all be used while my car is in my garage, so the live stream should be extremely boring.)

I was just trying to find an easier to way to transfer saved videos to my PC. I mount the camera on the left side of my RVM, and there isn't much room between the cam and "black box" under the RVM - certainly not enough for me to get my fat finger in there to eject the sdcard. As a result, I've been pulling the camera off my windshield, ejecting the sdcard, copying to my PC, and then putting everything back together. Being able to turn on the cam's wifi and copy to my PC would be much more convenient (even if it's slower.)

I didn't realize the cam's wifi could be used in station mode. I didn't remember seeing anything about that in the manual. Any pointers on where I can find more info on that?
Edit: just found this in a search: That's for the 139, but I'll see if something similar exists on the 229
I was able to configure "station mode" on the A229. I found that to turn it on, it requires a press/hold of "mic" and "wifi" buttons (which differs from the A139.) However, it doesn't seem to want to connect to my home access point. I suspect the issue might be that the SSID contains a space: "You Remembered". It appears it's trying to instead connect to "You*Remembered". It might also be due to that SSID being broadcast on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz. I'll try to set up an AP without the space and see if it helps... @VIOFO-Support Can you offer any insight/help here?

If it matters, I'm using firmware V1.3_240612
I was able to configure "station mode" on the A229. I found that to turn it on, it requires a press/hold of "mic" and "wifi" buttons (which differs from the A139.) However, it doesn't seem to want to connect to my home access point. I suspect the issue might be that the SSID contains a space: "You Remembered". It appears it's trying to instead connect to "You*Remembered". It might also be due to that SSID being broadcast on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz. I'll try to set up an AP without the space and see if it helps... @VIOFO-Support Can you offer any insight/help here?

If it matters, I'm using firmware V1.3_240612
Yes, you are right, there shall not be any space in the SSID, otherwise it will be shown instead of * on the camera after being transfered from the APP. Then the camera cannot connect to your home spot due to the wrong SSID.