Another Trashcam test on the way


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2015
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Front: 70MAI , Ausdom A261, Mini 0826 , Rear: A118c

Still testing the previous cam ( Action ) , I did what I could at 60Hz , now I am playing at 50Hz .
Will it make a difference ?
Unless the setting and coding for that were inherent in the chip, it would not be surprising to me if it made no difference.

Unless the setting and coding for that were inherent in the chip, it would not be surprising to me if it made no difference.


True that !

Went for a walk and no difference . I dont know if changing the lens will work ?
I had a bunch of lenses and I must have thrown them away . I have two trashcams that are almost un-usable , I might pull the lenses off as they seem to be ok .
But yeah , could just be the sensor or the firmware or a combination there off .

Looks like this will be a genuine Trashcam Test !
Yeah - Supposedly !
Though it does affect some dashcams video quality .. Go figure ( I have owned a few cams - so these things get noticed some times )
It's not as big an issue as it once was as most lighting has been modernized to technologies which aren't directly related to a power grid's freqyency. LED's almost all fonction on PWM for regulation, and there's no standard rate for that. Plus it's a lot higher frequency. If you watch driving vids from anywhere, you'll see some cars brake and taillights pulsing which is because their frequency is a multiple of the 50Hz or 60 Hz selected on the cam, and whichever one you select that will happen anyway because all cars are different with this. I've had cams where I forgot to check this setting and didn't notice anything in the vids I watched, only discovering it later when playing around with other cam settings. Sometimes it makes a difference and sometimes not so much, same as with any cam setting, which is why it's best to try the different settings to find what works best for you.

Im not talking about HZ in relation to traffic lights and such . But actual video quality .
I have had at least 3 cams where the 50 or 60 Hz settings actually affected video quality ( Over all ) .
If mem serves Oz is 60Hz .. And one of my cams from years ago had really poor video quality @ 60Hz ..

Finally I went to 50Hz and the over all video quality improved markedly . This cam ran for about 12 or 14 months before the battery gave out .
I killed the cam trying to replace the battery .
Probably another reason capacitor cams are better !

4K setting in the menu = 1080 video
Cam is a scam from the factory . ( Designed to be BS )
It was cheap enough , I have a project to try out on this cam .