Any CPL filters for Innovv?


New Member
May 8, 2021
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United States
I was thinking of purchasing the K2, but have noticed there are zero CPL filters to be found for any Innovv products. Am I missing something?
If you don’t mount it behind the windscreen then you don’t need the filter since there are no reflections, even if you do mount it behind a bike windscreen, it is unlikely to work well due to the shape of the glass.

If you want to make a high quality movie then you might want to rig one up anyway since it will improve the road surface, colours, and maybe the sky, but it will not be an advantage for use as an accident camera.
At one time, I did some beta testing of an early Innovv remote lens motorcycle camera and at that time I tried to convince the developer to offer a replaceable clear filter that would protect the lens from wind driven road particles which will eventually cause pock marks in the front glass lens surface, but he was uninterested. Unless his thinking has changed I don't expect we'll be seeing a CPL option any time soon. A DIY CPL would not be hard to create, though. Some of us have done this with other cameras.

A CPL can be handy on a motorcycle even if you are not battling windshield reflections because it can give you a view into oncoming cars to identify the driver and passengers plus it would also protect the camera lens.
If you want to experiment with a polarising filter, simply buy a pair of the cheapest polarising sunglasses and cut out a disc. If you stuff up the first you have a second chance!