Any fakes out there?

there was mention in the Mobius thread (by Isoprop I think) that there have been some appearing on eBay by sellers that have no access to the product, buy with caution I would think
I would like to purchase the mobius to use as a dash cam, does anyone know if there are fakes that I should be worried about? I found a good deal on ebay, has anyone purchased from this seller?

That IS A FAKE! Confirmed by the developer.
Don't be tempted....

The following eBay sellers are unknown to the Mobius team and are fakes. The two sellers are most likely the same person:

BTW, the original link I posted has now been redirected! Don't know who did this, most likely eBay.
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Thanks for the help! I was very tempted to buy that one, I am so glad I asked first!