App v. 3.47 - No better!


Active Member
Jun 5, 2021
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
BlackVue DR900X Plus-2CH, DR900S-2CH. (+ several previous)
Blackvue have just pushed this update (along with firmware for the DR900X Plus) and, not wishing to jinx things, it seems to be an improvement. The biggest + is they've got rid of the error screen saying there's no internet connection.
It's very early days but, fingers crossed, it might actually be doing what it's supposed to!

I spoke too soon :(
I guess I should have known. Blackvue tinker for the sake of it, in the process creating more problems than they fix.

The offending screen is still with us, for no good reason :mad:

This app really is the pits! (n)

See this rubbish in action


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After quite some pressure I finally got a response from a guy at Bv tech support, who gave me ver. 3.40 to try.

Pro: the "no internet" screen doesn't appear.

Con: I now get another error screen :mad:


As I am the account owner... ??

If BlackVue put even 1% of the income from their very expensive cameras into app development maybe users would get something that actually works!

Bv response still to arrive...
If, BV made it easy to connect to your home network.. they would lose their cloud customers.
As far as the app is concerned Bv make their money from subscribers, business users who pay for the extra services. They are the only ones who get any kind of attention, as proved previously when "subscribers requested the removal of the password saving function", a direct quote from Bv, even though many free users wanted it retaining.

When they deliver an update they often quote "bug fixes" as a reason, but try as I might I've never been able to pin them down to exactly what they are supposed to have fixed. And it seems for every bug fixed they create two more!

Considering the high price of the cameras this app is a disgrace!
My beef/frustration with the latest version (and previous versions) is that.. if it does not connect the app goes into playing a GIF loop of instructions. With the only option to exit, start over.. and go back into that loop.
AND.. mine will not connect (to my iPad) if I am using carplay at the same time on my iPhone. Which is odd because they don't seem to be connected, on my iPad I am connected via WiFi and my iPhone is connected to carplay via some Apple magic.