AR790-S will not keep correct time. Time Zone settings missing in app.


New Member
Apr 10, 2020
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United States
Looks like I’m the first to post a question about this camera!

I have a 2 channel AR790-S and it will not keep the correct time. It constantly changes to 1 hour behind. For example Shows 6 am when it’s 7 am. I’ll do the sync time function with the phone on the app and the next drive will be fine but the following day the timestamp will be behind again. It was of course fine before the time change in March.

I also have an AR790 in my other car and a Lukas LK-7950 WD in my 3rd. Both of those cameras through the app have an option to turn daylight savings on and off or Summer Time as the app calls and set the GMT hours. For some reason that option was omitted in the app settings for the AR790-S

AR790 GPS settings screen LK-7950WD is identical


AR790-S GPS settings screen.


As you can see the time zone section is missing making it impossible to set the correct time. I checked to see if they put it on a different settings screen but it is completely missing from all of the settings pages.

I should also point out this is my second AR790-S. When the first one arrived I updated the firmware and all the buttons on the camera itself quit working. That, of course, made it impossible to turn on wi-fi to change any settings or download/review video files. The company I bought it from was kind enough to exchange it and I have not updated the firmware on this one in fear it will do the same thing. I just checked and they have not released another version. 1.0.1 is the same version I downloaded in January. The android app also has not gotten an update for a while.

This leads to my next question. Are the app settings pages pulled in through the wi-fi connection to the camera or does the app itself have the settings pages for all Qvia / Lukas cameras and just display the pages for the camera you are connected to?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Sent a message to support the email address for the Qvia app.

This is what I sent:

Subject: Time zone section missing AR790S

Can you add the time zone section to the settings pages for the AR790S ? Currently, there is not a way to set the correct time. The daylight savings time toggle and the GMT settings are both missing. They are on the settings pages for the AR790 but not the AR790S. Time synchronize only works for about a day before it goes back to being off 1 hour again.

I included a screenshot showing the timezone missing from the GPS screen as pictured above.

Their reply:

Dear Customer,

Thanks for contacting us.

For your question below, if you go to the setting – GPS as shown on the attached screenshot, there is a Time-Zone setting.

And also you can see the feature to change the summer time. So you can set your time zone here.

If you still have more questions, please let me know.


Obviously they did not bother reading the original subject, message or look at the screenshot and only assumed I was generally asking how to set the time. I replied back reiterating the timezone section was missing. Their follow up was to delete the app and reinstall. Which I did, no change. I have informed them the reinstall did not correct the issue and I am waiting for their reply.

In the meantime I noticed this morning there is an update for the Qvia app, it states they added a camera model but will try later to see if the screen was updated. I may also charge an older android phone I have that is a different brand and reinstall the app on it to see if the issue is just with the Samsung version of the Qvia app.
Lukas / qvia are hard to deal with, when i had my luaks camera i reached out to them with something simple, and when i finally got a RPLY it was something like you experienced.
So it have never been a brand i have recommended, also in regard to image quality they are lagging behind with low bitrates and still to this date overly high sharpness / contrast settings that seem popular with most Korean brands.
My Lukas maxed out at 11 mbit back then ( 2012 or so ) but even then most other serious players was at 18 mbit

Personally i am not a fan of cameras that require a APP to use them.