Are we on the 3rd batch of the 0806 (with images of the car)


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2013
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United Kingdom
As only last week I ended up returning my 0805 due to no GPS signal, then it was pointed out to me (on this forum) that image capture was also out of focus, I’m a bit cautious of the 08xx range, I did hear that the 3rd batch of the 0806 had these issues sorted

so I'm asking if now we’re on the 3rd batch and if so has the focusing (and/or other) issues neen sorted?

As my wiring for the 0806 will be behind the dash, its a bit of a job taking out the DVR cable out from behind the dash to send back if there are still issues present,

now just waiting to fit in a new DVR
Whatever the official batch number of the current cameras is, the number of problems reported for cameras that have been sold recently has plummeted while the suppliers still appear to be running out of stock so I guess they are selling well.

Mine is still working reliably after 6 months.
Thank you Nigel, I'll pull the triger on the 0806 for the front then and get the dash fixing out the way, might go with the 0806 for the back too then
Nigel, you never answered the questions about you getting payment for every 0806 sold. Do you?
Nigel, you never answered the questions about you getting payment for every 0806 sold. Do you?
Seems like the sort of question that is unwise to answer due to whatever question is coming next which would then also require an answer!

Would I put an mini 0806 in my Elise, well yes, if I had a Lotus Elise instead of an MG then I would, it is a mini camera ideal for a mini car, definitely wouldn't want anything much bigger. Not so sure about the back, the 0806 seems unnecessarily high quality for the back and a narrower field of view might be a better choice, but it is nice to have interchangeable front and back cameras, if I have a problem with my 0806 at the front, I can just pull the 0803 from the rear off it's mount and put it at the front.

I am wondering why mollydog has had to remove the rear view mirror to extract the camera, maybe the carpets are understandable and the seats for easy access, but the throttle and brake pedals?
I’ve just ordered the 0806 from JooVuu this morning so all being well I’ll get it sometime in the next week or so

I was going to have the mini 0805 for the back as prices for the 0803 are not much less than the 0805, for the rear I don’t need great image capture, if I could find a mini 0803 cheap enough then I’d sooner go for that than a 0805/0806 but as I’ve seen prices for the 0803 around £65 / £70 I thought as E-Prance on Amazon were selling the 0805 for £78 there wasn’t enough of a gap to go for the 0803, wasn’t sure I’d not end up with a fake off eBay so not looked there yet (might do)

I use the Elise for my trip to Italy so right now its getting a bit of detailing done (by me), I wouldn’t say the Elise has carpets, I’d say it has two off cuts in each footwell and nowhere else (if I’m not mistaken, I think they were extra at the time the car was sold as new otherwise it was a rubber mats)

I’ve taken out the two off cut rugs :) and the seats to give it a good clean inside and out and is the reason the mirror is off

so while waiting for the DVR I took out the dash, to fit in the power cable, I normally don’t take out the dash when detailing the car

This was with the hard top on

In France last summer

One thing I’ve found with the Elise in Europe, no mater where you stop, people come over to have a look

this girl pulls up out of that silver car and starts taking photos of the Elise while I’m sitting on a wall drinking a coke

in France

and at a garage
in France

in Italy

and a clip of joining up with a French guy who also had an Elise (in France)

While in Italy I also enter with my Elise, vintage car rallies, this clip is me leaving one of these rallies,

at the time I had this cheap thing for the back screen (not one of my best purchases) it was better than nothing

the entrance very from Ferrari’s to vintage Fiat 500’s, I entered 5 different ones last year, at first I wasn’t allowed to enter as the cars had to be over 20+ years old but as they saw the Elise was attracting a crowed the even invited me to attend this year, so I’ll be there

the boy shouts out “the best car here is this one” and I thank him

at this rally we also had a timed lap and as I didn’t know the area they let me go first behind the motor bike, then just followed the ferrari’s

(section of the timed lap is speeded up a bit (a lot) )
back on topic, would I be better off just getting a mini 0803 or even a mini 0801 for the back screen?
back on topic, would I be better off just getting a mini 0803 or even a mini 0801 for the back screen?
The 0803 is no longer made, if you order one then you will almost certainly get an 0805.

The 0801 is outdated but still produces a decent image, and has a narrower angle lens than the 0806 so at normal 1080HD plates are about as readable as on the 0806. I wouldn't choose it for making home movies though, for that the 0806 is far superior but as an accident camera for the rear it is OK if you can get it for a decent amount less than the 0806. I believe it will swap mounts with the 0806 which could be useful. It is probably limited to 32GB memory cards.

Also take a look at a Mobius with a narrow lens, you may not like it due to lack of a screen and having to learn how to use another type of camera but it does produce a decent 1080HD image, the narrower lens is good for plates at the back, it is small, and you can use it as an action cam out of the car (although I do that with the 0806 anyway). You can even get a waterproof case for if you have the top down - I guess it might get a bit wet at the back if you go too slow.

One advantage of the 0806 is the sound, much better than in your clips above.

Here is mine speeded up: (Same engine as in your Elise)

(Quality from YouTube isn't brilliant, YouTube doesn't have the bitrate required for the speed!)

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Nigel, that was good and interesting clip, lovely loation, where was that (do you know what A or B road it was?) nearly wet myself when I saw the white van come up, was this captured with the 0806? is that exhaust sound from your car if so it sounds lovely

All my front clips were on the Blackvue DR500, there were other rallies I was on but the Blackvue didn’t record and other clips its auto exposure far out from under to over, all in, that cheap DVR I had for the back, for the price and the results it gave, compared to the Blackvue was good value for money, and I thought that produced below average results

the thing that puts me off a Mobius is not being able to know the POV of the camera till after you take out the card, any other opinions on a DVR of the back screen?

in passing I take it you have an MGF/TF, are you also on the forum?

here are two clips, one returning from Italy (Saint-Bernard tunnel) in to Switzerland

and this one over the top Saint-Bernard pass in to Italy (2013)

Nigel, that was good and interesting clip, lovely loation, where was that (do you know what A or B road it was?)
Rhyader (Mid Wales), set off up the Elan Valley and immediately turn right up the Aberystwyth Mountain Road, video starts about a mile up, you see the top reservoir of the Elan Valley during the first decent.

nearly wet myself when I saw the white van come up, was this captured with the 0806? is that exhaust sound from your car if so it sounds lovely
That is video and audio from the mini 0806 in 21:9 cinema mode with the edges chopped off to make standard 16:9 1080HD and speeded up x8. The sound is also x8 to match but has been filtered to avoid it sounding too much like a chainsaw, but it is just filtered, nothing added, the wind noise on top of the mountain is genuine, it was windy up on top.

I was actually going fairly slowly, 8 times slower than the video, the car doesn't exactly sound like that and the white van was a gentle pass.

in passing I take it you have an MGF/TF, are you also on the forum?
No and yes but different user name to here.

This is my MG:

here are two clips, one returning from Italy (Saint-Bernard tunnel) in to Switzerland
The Swiss mountain passes are good in almost any car, as long as it's not Italian, I once dove an Alpha Romeo up the Alps and was surprised at how terrible it was, obviously designed for the city, not for what I found:
I’ve had 2 Rover 200’s 1 Rover 25 (same car) Metro 100 and then the MG TF

Nice horses, they look as if they are following your car,

lovely mountain views