B1M variable recording length


New Member
Apr 25, 2021
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United Kingdom

I bought the B1M camera in August last year and have set it up on my HD Sport Glide. Everything works fine with just a couple of small wierdnesses that I’d like to ask about.

Firstly, the G-sensor is way too sensitive. On the default setting (middle) it locks all videos as soon as the engine starts and on the low setting it locks all videos as soon as the bike starts rolling. I now just leave it set to “off” on the basis that, if I crash, it will be the last recording that I need away.

Secondly, I have the recording length set to 3 minutes but the actual length of each video varies quite considerably. Most of the recordings are between 2:30 and 3:00 minutes and there seems to be little or no gap between these recordings. However some recordings are as short as 20 to 30 seconds and the gap between one and the next of these can be anywhere between 8 and 20 seconds. I noticed this when looking for a particular video (me taking a Harley Davidson through a ford) and discovered that that particular event had occurred in the 18 second gap between two 27 second recordings.

The card I am using is a SanDisk Extreme 128GB and I think I’m using the latest firmware (20200707).

Can anyone tell me if these behaviours are normal or if I might have messed up some settings or something? I did contact Blueskysea about the G-sensor last year, but as soon as they discovered I hadn’t bought the unit directly from them they lost interest.

Welcome to the forum Anarchi

Leaving G sensor off, at least when driving is a good idea, but some only have 1 G sensor option that apply for when driving and when parked, and that is very problematic in my eyes.
I think the shorter clips you have seen, i assume must have been while you had G sensor on, and so when it triggering 30 seconds or so get taken out of your regular 3 min files to end up in the event folder.
With G sensor off they should be 3 minutes on the dot all of them
Thank you for the welcome and thanks for the reply. I have had the G-sensor turned off recently so the variable length of recordings is presumably not being caused by that at this point. This afternoon I reformatted the SD card, set the loop video to 5 minutes and went for a nice ride (an hour and a half). I've just removed the card to check the videos and the first five are all 5:01, number 6 is 2:09 and number 7 is 1:17 (with a gap of 12 seconds between the end of 6 and the start of 7). The rest of the videos (29 front and 29 rear) vary in length with a few being the full 5:01 but most much shorter (the shortest is 31 seconds). They are all stored in the DCIM/Movie folder so none of them are locked.
I've just removed the card to check the videos and the first five are all 5:01, number 6 is 2:09 and number 7 is 1:17 (with a gap of 12 seconds between the end of 6 and the start of 7).
Unplug and plug the camera parts also!
Thanks for taking the time. The card I am using is a SanDisk Extreme 128GB, which should be fast enough for 1080p video. I'll switch it for an Extreme Pro and see if that works better. I'll also check all the connections (unplug and plug in) and see if that helps. As it's the start of a work week, it may take a couple of days for me to get the opportunity to do this, but I will let you know if either of these fixes the problem.
I switched the SD card to a SanDisk Extreme Pro 128GB. formatted it, set the looping to 3 minutes and went for a short ride. Each of the saved videos was exactly 3:01 in length so it would appear to have been an SD problem. I will unplug and plug in all the connections this weekend as sitting in the garage over winter may also have contributed. Thanks for your help, if the problem recurs I'll let you know.